Pedagogy and research
In order to promote its visibility and reputation both nationally and internationally, UPHF cooperates with its partner universities on cross-disciplinary projects related to educational innovation and the use of digital technology for the success of its students.
Le projet EURO-TELL, présenté par l'Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (UPHF) et la Fédération Universitaire Pluridisciplinaire de Lille (FUPL), avec le soutien des partenaires de l'Université européenne EUNICE, a été sélectionné dans le cadre de l'appel à projets «ExcellenceS sous toutes ses formes».
Il s’agit d’un projet basé sur les objets de transition.
Pour agir dans la transition pour un monde durable, avec éthique et responsabilité, agilité et efficacité, EURO-TELL propose un modèle cohérent et inter-relié sous la forme d’un écosystème. Se basant sur les forces du consortium, celui-ci est constitué de trois Hubs thématiques de la transition (Silver Society and disability - Humanly smart city, territories and mobility - Industry of the future for a positive impact on the environment and humanity) croisés avec des facteurs de sens (éthique, discours, sens - patrimoine, territoire, espace - usages, normes, risques) : à ces trois Hubs sont rattachées trois Graduate Schools interdisciplinaires européennes et un Think-to-Do-Lab inspiré du modèle des Think Tanks. L’écosystème impliquera ainsi les différents acteurs du territoire (entreprises, collectivités locales et territoriales, associations…).
Le niveau d’expertise en formation, innovation et recherche sur les thématiques stratégiques permettra de tendre progressivement à un champ d’application et de réflexion fondée sur la résolution des problèmes relatifs aux objets de transition. Ces derniers sont des artefacts physiques ou symboliques qui appellent une problématique complexe. Co-élaborés par les parties prenantes, en lien avec la thématique des hubs, ils feront l’objet du projet de recherche et d’innovation des étudiants, d’enseignements complémentaires orientés objet, et ils seront à la base d’initiatives de recherche interdisciplinaire intitulées « "DC3T"(Dynamic Cross-Topic Teams for Transition) ». Pour asseoir ces GS d’un type nouveau, Euro-TELL développe trois types de masters par GS : un Master européen de recherche (MER), un Master européen projet personnel et professionnel (ME3P) et un Master sensibilisation et certification (MSC), de même que deux doctorats : un doctorat européen de recherche et un doctorat européen professionnel. L’offre de formation et la recherche qui y est associée se veulent agiles et évolutives, en s’appuyant sur un couple conceptuel inédit : « Sustain » / « Expand ». Cela permet non seulement de s’adapter rapidement aux changements, mais aussi de susciter l’adhésion des Chercheurs, Enseignants et Enseignants-Chercheurs : le concept « Sustain » permet d’assurer, voire de renforcer le socle disciplinaire, alors que le concept « Expand » favorise un ajustement de la formation et de la recherche en fonction des objets de transition définis.
Résolument tourné vers l’Europe, le modèle EURO-TELL vise la reconnaissance de la diplomation européenne, de micro-crédits et de la FTLV.
La construction de cet écosystème différenciant est particulièrement exigeante et n'est possible que dans une optique "glocale" (Think globally, act locally), avec des universités résolument ouvertes sur le monde, tout en exerçant un rôle actif dans le développement de leur territoire. EURO-TELL propose donc un modèle d'avenir, d’une part, pour construire l’alliance de site UPHF-FUPL, et, d’autre part, pour permettre aux universités de taille moyenne, de faire rayonner leur excellence scientifique et leurs innovations pédagogiques de façon à agir avec les territoires au cœur des transitions pour un monde durable.
The PRéLUDE project (Parcourses for Resuccess in Licence Uto Dexperiential development) implements the Student Plan of Madame Minister, Frédérique Vidal.
It proposes both a diploma and an undergraduate training model that allows students (in initial training, continuing education or FTLV) to be actors in their project by co-designing their degree course: "I am the designer of my course". Based on the possibilities offered by the LMD system (modularization, management of rhythms, certifications), the progression is done by capitalization and certifications.
This approach makes it possible to switch from a license by program to a license by skills and by project. This leads to three types of pathways (Disciplinary License - LD, multidisciplinary license personal project - L3P, a degree university personal project - DU3P). An intelligent platform for success support "I-Parcours" will offer all the emerging digital services necessary for student support and guidance, intelligent construction of courses, massive data processing for the detection of course needs, analysis of student traces to improve recommendation, the principle of blockchain for certification and validation of skills.
Consortium :
Institut Catholique de Lille (carrier) ; UPHF (partner)
The health situation has placed universities in unprecedented contexts of acceleration by exposing the process of hybridization of instruction as an appropriate response to the many challenges of pedagogical continuity for undergraduate students with a particular focus on first-year students.
The "System of Mediated and Immersive Activities" (SAMI) project proposes a response that is both contributory to national initiatives and at the same time innovative on the creation of immersive and virtual content based on a novel OMO (Online Merge Offline) articulation for teaching. The latter will strengthen the "face-to-face" articulation by placing learning in the same educational context, a lever to promote teacher-student links and student success in a context of training hybridization.
To respond to this, the SAMI project proposes a model on 3 dimensions:
- the provision and creation of content (digital resources, Mooc) by ensuring their digital accessibility (informational dimension);
- the creation of a device of spheres of interactivity to create and accompany hybrid teaching and learning activities: teacher-teacher sphere,teacher-student,student-student(interactive dimension);
- the creation of a collaborative environment for editing virtual and immersive content that can feed the national programs in the form of TD and TP (immersive dimension).
The SAMI project, supported by an Observatory of Digital and Pedagogical Transformation, will then propose new forms of activities and pedagogical experiences that will allow ESR actors to engage in an innovative way in the new hybrid paths.
Consortium :
UPHF (Sponsor) ; ICL (partner) ; INSA Hauts-de-France (partner)
PEIA (Platform for Immersive Learning Experiences)
The project PEIA (Platform of Immersive Experiences Learning) is among those of the 14 universities and three schools that won the AMI "Digital Demonstrators in Higher Education" (DemoES).
With this ambitious project, UPHF is committed to meeting new challenges, both in pedagogy and research, for higher education and is pursuing the transformation of more inclusive digital teaching practices, via collaborative virtual and realistic environments.
The PEIA project will thus propose the development of an Open Source Immersive Learning Management System (I-LMS). This will lead to the creation of an immersive and learning community, with experiences and learning in persistent worlds.
Here is a link to the video of Prime Minister Jean Castex announcing the list of winners, as well as the official press release.
Prime Minister's announcement at the University of Poitiers (20th minute)
Consortium :
UPHF (Sponsor) ; Institut Catholique de Lille (partner) ; 2 Ed TECH
European University for Customised Education (EUNICE)
EUNICE is an alliance of seven European higher education institutions working together to become a new European university and generate a shift from traditional to personalized education through inter-university mobility. In July 2020, the European Commission selected the alliance's project, co-sponsored by Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France and the University of Poznan, enabling its deployment. Ultimately, EUNICE will be one of the European universities of the future, promoting European values and identity, and increasing the quality and competitiveness of European higher education.
- Poznan University of Technology, Poland
- University of Vaasa, Finland
- University of Cantabria, Spain
- University of Catania, Italy
- University of Mons, Belgium
- Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, France
- Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg, Germany
A doctoral school
By order of July 8, 2021, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has accredited the creation of the Ecole Doctorale Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (ED PHF n°635).
Supported by the Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University, this is a joint doctoral school, in accordance with the site policy, to which INSA Hauts-de-France is a co-accredited institution and the Catholic University of Lille is an associated institution.
The ED PHF is multidisciplinary. It covers 7 scientific fields: Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies; Mathematics and their interactions; Chemistry; Biology, Medicine and Health; Humanities and Social Sciences; and Engineering Sciences.
The PHF ED is multidisciplinary.
It relies on 4 laboratories of the EPE UPHF and its component institution INSA Hauts-de-France, including 2 UMR CNRS, and 3 laboratories of the Institut Catholique de Lille, a member institution of the Université Catholique de Lille.
Read also

France Relance
The campuses