The transversal entrepreneurship module
Launched at the beginning of the 2015 academic year, this cross-disciplinary module is an awareness-raising module whose objective is to introduce students to the business environment and its mechanisms, the creation/takeover of a company and its various stages, and to test their entrepreneurial spirit.
Skills to be acquired
- Be able to understand the organization and functioning of the company.
- Be able to set up a business creation project.
- Be able to establish a market study and an operating budget.
Target audience and prerequisites
Conditions of realization
Pedagogical registration takes place at the beginning of each academic semester. It is only possible once the administrative registration is completed. The student will have to participate in the activities implemented by the Hubhouse (conferences, challenges, creativity sessions, mini-enterprise, ...). Depending on the periods, it is possible to register for activities organized at the regional level (hourly equivalent of 18H).
For credit validation, the student will write a thesis on these entrepreneurial activities. He/she will have to show his/her entrepreneurial journey during this module: skills acquired, degree of initiative... and elaborate a project of creation/takeover of a company
Participation in activities + dissertation = 2 ECTS
Macrez Sabine
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The Hubhouse

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