Digital tools
The Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France provides students and staff with digital tools and services according to their profile and needs.
The Digital Workspace
The Digital Workspace, or ENT, brings together all the digital resources and services available to students, teachers, researchers and administrative and technical staff at the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France.
.The ENT allows to connect to the services made available thanks to a username and password from a browser located in any place (multimedia rooms, terminals, office, BU, home...).
Educational materials and spaces
Learning Labs or active rooms are learning spaces that provide an environment for implementing different pedagogies, focused more on getting students active.
Furniture and digital equipment allow for group work in "Problem-Based Learning" (PBL), for example, or any other active pedagogy.
Computers (desktop or laptop) are available to students for educational or cultural use in the University Libraries.
Innovative teaching practices
To support and encourage the continuous evolution of teaching practices, teachers have many resources at their disposal within the institution.
Moodle is an educational platform that makes available course content, activities,...
POD is the hosting and distribution platform used by the UPHF academic community.
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Student Housing