UPHF and INSA Hauts-de-France Open Science Plan
The UPHF and INSA Hauts-de-France Open Science Plan is the strategic document that explains the institution's open science policy.
Open Science, a movement with the goal of openness and transparency in the entire scientific process, has several components, including open access. It is on this last point that UPHF's Open Science Plan focuses. Voted by the UPHF Research Council on March 18, 2021 and presented to the INSA Hauts-de-France Scientific Council on April 08, 2021, it provides for the obligation for the institution's authors to reference their publications in the portal HAL-UPHF. Adding the PDF to the reference on the same site is strongly encouraged, and laboratories where the deposit of documents will be frequent will be granted a financial bonus.
The Plan also addresses the issue of research data, the deposit of which is also encouraged, and which will soon be the subject of support within the university.
Such a system has many advantages for all actors:
- A greater visibility of publications for the institution and the authors;
- An increase in collaborations and interdisciplinarity;
- A reappropriation of the results of scientific research by researchers, in response to the risk of capture by private economic operators;
- The reinforcement of the link between science and society, and the opening of public research results;
- The promotion of scientific integrity.
Any questions?
The DAREC team, the Research Support Department of the SCD can accompany you on all of these issues, including the deposit of your references and documents in HAL, as well as on a set of themes.
For any questions, fill out this form. We will get back to you shortly.