Gender-based violence
The UPHF fights against all forms of gender-based violence and has two listening and action structures to serve users.
Legal framework
Sexual harassment consists of one or more actions (whether pressure, blackmail, gestures, ...), the purpose of which is to obtain, for one's benefit or for the benefit of a third party, favors of a sexual nature. It undermines the dignity of the person who is the victim.
.The perpetrator, like the victim, can be a man or a woman; in the university, it can be a student, a female student, a member of the teaching or administrative staff...
Sexual harassment is prohibited by the Labor Code (art. L1153-1), the Le Pors Law No. 83-634 of July 13, 1983, on the rights and obligations of civil servants (art.6 ter) and by Law No. 2008-496 of May 27, 2008, on various measures to adapt to Community law in the field of the fight against discrimination (art. 1).
It is also an offence punishable under Article 222-33 of the Penal Code by 2 to 3 years' imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 to 45,000 euros.
In addition to criminal sanctions, disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by the university against the perpetrators of such behavior, whether they are students, or teaching or administrative staff.
The establishment has two structures
A listening cell that can be requested by colleagues and students experiencing gender-based and sexual violence.They can get an appointment by making an email request to @email
They will be received by listeners who have signed a confidentiality charter who will provide a first level of counseling and support.
With the agreement of the person concerned, the gender-based violence unit may be referred to. It analyzes the situations brought up by the listening unit and proposes recommendations to the establishment.It may transmit a file on the victim to the President for further action. An investigation may be carried out if the seriousness of the situation warrants it. An investigation may lead to the initiation of disciplinary proceedings.
Organization chart and functioning - Presentation and missions of the cell
The gender-based violence cell is composed of 3 "listener-accompanists" from the listening cell, the VP Student Success Student Life, as well as medical, social, psychological and legal resource persons. The cell can, in addition, call on the skills of experts chosen according to the issues to be addressed.
The gender-based violence unit is not a disciplinary body. As such, it informs and advises the declared victim of gender-based violence in his or her personal steps to receive appropriate care and/or to take legal action against the alleged perpetrator. Its members have signed a charter of confidentiality, discretion, objectivity and commitment to accompany.
- to disseminate information relating to gender-based violence, particularly on rights, procedures and recourse, by all means at its disposal;
- to be a place of listening, help and guidance for members of the university community, victims or witnesses of acts of gender-based violence;
- to transmit the file constituted of the victim to the presidency for follow-up. An investigation may be initiated if the seriousness of the situation warrants it. Investigation may lead to the initiation of disciplinary proceedings.
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