Charter for the unique signature of scientific publications of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France: instructions for use
What is a single sign-on chart
?This charter formalizes the elements of a structured and standardized signature that will unequivocally identify our university and its research units in the signatures of the scientific publications they produce.
Who developed it?
This document is the result of the collaboration of the SCD Research Support Department team, the Research and Valuation Department and the Development and Partnerships Pole.
The general principles as well as the signature models were validated by the directors of each research unit in the period from February 1 to March 21, 2017. They were then voted unanimously in the Research Commission on March 21, 2017, as well as in the Board of Directors on May 18, 2017.
Who is it for?
This charter applies to all scientific publications, and to all producing or publishing staff of the institution who may be authors or co-authors.
To what do the various updates correspond?
The 1st edition of the Charter, developed in the fall of 2017, had retained as the entry element of the signature, the former name of our university.
A new version of the Charter, dated December 2018, was developed in consultation with the institution's "Scientific Publications" working group, and voted on in the Research Commission of December 6, 2018, in order to take into account the change of name of our institution to the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France.
The latest update of the document, voted in the Research Commission of March 17, 2022, takes into account:
- the creation of INSA Hauts-de-France within the experimental public establishment UPHF, its status and its relationship with the cotutelles of the institution's research units to indicate how the various entities should be cited.
- the creation of our two new laboratories LARSH and CERAMATHS, by merging former research units.
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