Student Social Assistance
Two staff members are available to students, only by appointment through the Office of Student Life (BVE) : 03 27 51 10 12 or @email
Social workers receive students by appointment at Mont-Houy, Maubeuge and Cambrai

For information and to make an appointment :
03 27 51 10 12 or @email
The social workers are at the service of students to improve their living and studying conditions.
They have a role of listening, supporting, informing, guiding and mediating with students who encounter difficulties.
They intervene on practical issues related to material life, administrative issues, organization of studies but also on personal issues.
They can direct you to specialized services.
Other structures exist on campus to help students in difficulty
- Mont-Houy site : every Thursday from 12:30 to 4:00 pm at the IMTD building (streetcar terminal)
- Cambrai site : every Thursday 9am - 12pm and 2pm - 5pm, first floor of Claude Lancelle building.
To check opening hours or book an appointment slot : https://www.facebook.com/valenciennes.agorae/
Contact : @email - 07 83 88 97 07
To check hours of operation : https://www.instagram.com/studenthousec_/
CROUS scholarships and financial aid
Awarded to students enrolled in initial training and pursuing undergraduate and graduate studies. Application is made on the Internet http://messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr between January 15 and May 31 of the previous academic year.
Allowed to students with a Bachelor's degree enrolled for the first time in the first year of a Master's degree, the application for mobility assistance must be submitted on the portal: www.etudiant.gouv.fr rubrique messervices.etudiant.gouv.fr
For students experiencing particular financial difficulties, CROUS may grant :
- a one-time financial aid
- annual financial aid
Students must request an interview with a social worker and put together a file.
Other scholarships and financial aid
Contact: @email
Thesis funding: contact the UPHF Doctoral School
.The vocational scholarship is for students over the age of 25 who have been employed and unemployed or hold the D.A.E.U.
Contact: @email
This fund can be granted by the Missions Locales to young people aged 16 to 25 in difficult situations.
Contact the Mission Locale of your place of residence.
Read also

Student Housing

Digital tools