
The UPHF sports department offers a range of outdoor and indoor physical activities for individual or group practice.

Playing sports at university

UPHF's sports department offers students and staff a range of outdoor and indoor physical activities for individual or group practice.

There are 6 possibilities for practicing physical activities and sports at the university: 

  • Sports Opening Modules
  • Les Activités " Loisirs Sportifs " 
  • The University Sports Association 
  • La chaine Sport-UPHF 
  • Sports courses and events 
  • Reserving sports facilities 

For more information on the range of sports on offer, contact either the sports department or the pedagogical secretariat, or consult your personal space on ENT, heading "My sport".

Sports facilities

The sports facilities are located on the Mont-Houy campus, and include:

Two multi-purpose gymnasiums comprising: 

  • Two multi-sports arenas.
  • A dance hall
  • A weight room
  • A dojo

A university stadium composed : 

  • A synthetic pitch 
  • A running track
  • A long jump jump
  • An archery range (under construction), 
  • A throwing area (javelin, shot put)

The blue line, a 9 km off-stadium running track made up of: 

  • From 4 loops (1.3 km, 1.9 km, 2 km and 3.7 km) including 3.5 km of Finnish track 
  • 7 cross-training platforms, connected station, cardio-muscular strengthening, street workout...
  • From 2 city stadiums
  • From 2 boulodrome areas
  • 10 table tennis tables

Sports department

The UPHF Sports Department organizes, develops and supervises physical and sporting activities on campus and manages sports facilities.

Bâtiment Watteau, Bureau n°13, Campus Mont-Houy 


Contact Service des Sports

Bâtiment Eisen, RDC côté Parking , Campus Mont-Houy