Our Qualiopi certification
Through its certifications, the UPHF promotes and recognizes its quality approach, which places the satisfaction of its users and stakeholders at the heart of its concerns and its continuous improvement approach.
Since July 2021, the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (UPHF) has been certified according to the national RNQ QUALIOPI standard (Decree n°2019-565 of June 6, 2019) on the Training Actions / VAE scope.
This certification is mandatory for professional training organizations financed by public or mutualized funds.
Valid for 3 years, it guarantees:
- The conditions for informing the public;
- The precise identification of service objectives;
- Adaptation to the target audience;
- The adequacy of teaching resources;
- Qualification and development of staff knowledge and skills;
- The provider's involvement and investment in its professional environment;
- Collecting and taking into account the assessments and complaints made by the parties involved in the services provided.