High-level sport at university
The Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France and its sports department is proud to be able to support its students to enable them to succeed in a dual project combining intensive and/or high-level sports practice with further studies in higher education.
ESHN status: High-Level Sports Student
How do you follow a law degree with four training sessions a week? How to become an engineer while preparing for theMediterranean games ? How do you succeed in your studies while playing in a training center and aiming for auniversity title ?
At Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, the ESHN status enables students to tailor their curriculum to their specific needs with the aim of achieving a dual project of sport and academic success.
ESHN status comprises 3 levels

Gold level:
Belonging to ministerial lists
Silver level:
Belonging to a professional sports club, training center, PESU or having a national level of sports practice and having a minimum of 4 training sessions per week
Bronze level:
Calculation based on constraint and sporting level (level of competition and number of training sessions per week)
Depending on the status obtained after decision by the university commission, the high-level sports student may benefit from special support measures:
- Pedagogical support: via adjustments to the student's study schedule (choice of CM, TD &TP groups; exemption from attendance; 2-year study year,...) and curriculum, the enhancement of the student's practice as part of his or her training path,...
- Social support: via privileged access to university residence accommodation based on sporting criteria.
- Accompaniment of his sports project: via privileged access to sports facilities and the setting up of individualized interviews.
University Sports Excellence Pole
The PESU: Pôle d'Excellence Sportif Universitaire, is a university sports structure made up of 4 sections:
- Men's futsal:
Section manager: Mr. Aymeric Trousselle - @email
- Women's soccer:
Section manager: Mr. Sébastien Malapel - @email
- Mixed boxing:
Section manager: Mr. Otman Bennani - @email
- Handball Mixed:
Section manager: Mr. Syran Ben Seddik - @email
The PESU aims to create a bridge between federal practice and university practice via the search for performance, and sporting and academic excellence.
Being part of PESU means:
- 3 training sessions per week (2 activity sessions + 1 weight training session)
- Participation in university competitions.
- Be eligible for ESHN (Étudiant Sportif de Haut Niveau) status.
The sports department
The UPHF Sports Service organizes, develops and supervises physical and sporting activities on campus and manages sports facilities.
Bâtiment Watteau, Bureau n°13, Campus Mont-Houy
Contact: sports@uphf.fr
La Licence L3P-SHN (Licence Pluridisciplinaire Projet Personnel)
La Licence L3P-SHN est la première Licence dédiée aux Sportifs de Haut Niveau en distanciel. Elle s’appuie sur les compétences mobilisées dans le projet sportif et sur un dispositif pédagogique et technologique innovant, totalement à distance.
Le parcours SHN offre l’opportunité aux Sportifs de Haut Niveau de construire et valider leur parcours sportif et universitaire, mais aussi de bénéficier de l’expertise d’un réseau de professionnels de la haute performance sportive et d’enseignants universitaires.
Chaque étudiant bénéficiera d’un tuteur personnel lui permettant de planifier, de suivre et d’aménager le rythme universitaire en fonction des exigences du calendrier sportif.
Le Service des sports
Le Service des sports de l'UPHF organise, développe et encadre les activités physiques et sportives sur le campus et il assure la gestion des équipements sportifs.
Contact Service des Sports
Bâtiment Eisen, RDC côté Parking , Campus Mont-Houy

A sports university
