Erasmus + Program
The Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France, in line with the Erasmus+ 2014-2020 program, and with the aim of achieving the objectives of its institutional strategy, is participating in several actions of the new Erasmus+ 2021-2027 program.
UPHF is thus involved:
- to the dEuropean University EUNICE project
- to Erasmus+ intra-European mobility projects for approximately 230 outgoing participants each year; students and staff (study and internship, teaching and training) ;
- to strategic partnership projects ;
- to capacity building projects.
In addition, UPHF participates annually in Erasmus Days to raise awareness among all university stakeholders teachers, researchers, doctoral students, students, administrative staff, about the opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ program
The Erasmus + Charter
The Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France is a holder of the ERASMUS+ Charter for Higher Education (ECHE - 2021/2027) issued by the European Commission
ERASMUS code: 999884537
OID: E10209014
As an Erasmus+ charter holder, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France is committed to :
- Comply fully with the program's principles of non-discrimination, transparency, and inclusion.
- To ensure equal and equitable access and opportunities for current and potential participants from all backgrounds, with particular attention to the inclusion of those with fewer opportunities.
- Guarantee fully automatic recognition of all credits (based on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System - ECTS) earned for learning outcomes satisfactorily achieved during a period of study/training abroad, including during blended mobility.
- Do not charge any fees, in the case of credit mobility, to incoming mobile students for tuition, registration, examinations, or access to laboratory and library facilities.
- Ensure the quality of mobility activities and cooperative projects throughout the application and implementation phases.
- Implement program priorities:
- Taking the necessary steps to implement digital mobility management in accordance with the technical standards of the European Student ID initiative.
- Promoting environmentally friendly practices in all program-related activities.
- By encouraging participation in the program by those with fewer opportunities.
- Promoting civic engagement and encouraging students and staff to be involved as active citizens before, during, and after their participation in a mobility or project.