Work-study training
The alternation is a training rhythm that allows the development of theoretical and practical skills (in training) and their application in the professional world (in the company).
Why become a work-study student?
- To prepare for a recognized degree and acquire a professional qualification
- To develop new skills related to the targeted profession
- To facilitate his professional integration at the end of the studies
- To be paid during the preparation of the degree
More information on apprenticeships on the Ministry of Labor and Employment.
Who can become a work-study student?
In apprenticeship contracts:
- Young people between the ages of 16 and 29 years old;
- Some audiences can enter apprenticeships beyond the age of 29: apprentices preparing a diploma or title higher than the one obtained, disabled workers, people with a project to create or take over a business and high-level athletes.
In professionalization contract:
- Young people aged 16 to 25;
- Jobseekers aged 26 and over;
- Beneficiaries of the active solidarity income (RSA), the specific solidarity allowance (ASS) or the disabled adults allowance (AAH);
- People who have benefited from an assisted contract.
What are the steps to follow?
Check if the course is offered as an apprenticeship contract (list of apprenticeship courses here) or as a professionalization contract ( list of courses here)
- Apply on e-candidate
- Prospect with companies in the industry that matches your career plan
Validate with the training manager and your company the contract and the missions that will be entrusted to you upon admission to the training.
Côté entreprise...

Pourquoi recruter un alternant ?
Cela vous permet de le former à un métier avec les caractéristiques de VOTRE entreprise mais également de l'intégrer à la vie et à la culture de VOTRE entreprise.
Qui peut recruter un alternant ?
En contrat de professionnalisation :
- tout employeur assujetti au financement de la formation professionnelle continue
En contrat d’apprentissage :
- toute entreprise du secteur artisanal, commercial, industrie, agricole ainsi que les employeurs du milieu associatif et les professions libérales ;
- tout employeur du secteur public non industriel et commercial.
Quelles modalités financières ?
Des aides financières sont octroyées pour vous accompagner dans cette démarche.
Un simulateur pour calculer le coût salarial ainsi que les aides inhérentes vous est proposé.
Contacts pour les entreprises
- Service apprentissage : apprentissage@insa-hdf.fr
- Service formation continue : formation.continue@insa-hdf.fr
- Service Relation Entreprises, Formation Continue et Apprentissage : iut-refca@uphf.fr
- Service Formation Continue et Apprentissage niveau Licence : ish.alternance.licence@uphf.fr
- Service Formation Continue et Apprentissage niveau Master : ish.alternance.master@uphf.fr