Etudiants étrangers : candidater à titre individuel

Foreign students: applying as an individual

International students who wish to apply and then enroll at UPHF, must follow a specific process.

Step 1: Choose your course

Step 2: Inform yourself on how to apply

  • Students from countries with spaces STUDYING IN FRANCE

The Espaces Etudes en France are, for the countries that have them, the one-stop-shops for any foreign student with a training project in France and the entry point to come and study in our country.
Applicants from the following countries are welcome to apply: Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, United States, Vietnam  must connect on Studies in France.

This procedure via Etudes en France represents an exclusivity and is therefore the only one that has been selected by the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France to welcome foreign students in residence in a foreign country, for the start of the September 2021 academic year.
The opening of this service may vary depending on the country and it is necessary to inquire at the French Embassy to know the practical details, make an appointment and submit his application.

  • Students from countries that do not have the Espace Etudes en France

Only 20% of applications for study visas to France are from countries that do not have a Study in France area.
Student applicants from these countries should send a letter or an email directly to the following address:

Postal address :

Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
. Pôle formation vie étudiante
Campus Mont Houy

Contact: @email

To request the sending of an application file which will be sent by post (or by email) to their personal address (without intermediary for transmission)

  • Foreign students already on French soil and wishing to continue their studies

The application procedure is dematerialized. To participate log on to

For foreigners residing abroad

Applicants who do not possess French nationality and who are not holders or future holders of the French baccalaureate and residing abroad must satisfy the procedure for prior application for admission (DAP) to an undergraduate program at a French university.

Depending on his or her situation, each applicant must use one or the other of the two following procedures:

  1. Mandatory application through the online procedure Etudes en France, if they are a resident of one of the following countries:  Algeria, Saudi Arabia,Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Egypt, United States, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mauritius, Mauritania, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, Senegal, Singapore, Taiwan, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Vietnam.

Applicants must log in and follow the directions on the website. To do this log in at the following address:

  1. Download and complete a paper form (white PAD) if a resident of a country not listed above.

ATTENTION: International students who wish to pursue their studies in the following fields: arts, design, archaeology, heritage, culture, multimedia and digital, are invited to apply simultaneously via two application procedures: the "Studies in France"  procedure (depending on the countries involved) and the CampusArt procedure.

For foreigners residing in France

  • Applicants who do not possess French nationality, do not hold or hold future French baccalaureate and who usually reside in France must use one or the other of the following procedures:

  • Fill out a paper form (green form)
  • or pick up the application from the University of first choice, unless it is located in a metropolitan area far from home. In this case, the applicant may apply to the institution located in the agglomeration of his or her residence. 

  • As part of the procedure for applying for prior admission, foreigners residing in France must take a paid language test (TCF) The rate was 72€ for the year 2019/2020.  In the Hauts-de-France region, the test will take place on February 6, 2020.  On the other hand, the invitation to the test is issued by the university of 1st choice.

    Registrations for the TCF are made on

    The TCF-DAP may be waived:

  • nationals of states where French is the exclusive official language;
  • applicants residing in a country where French is an exclusive official language and holding a high school diploma from a country where French is an exclusive official language;
  • applicants residing in a country where French is an exclusive official language and holding a high school diploma from a country where French is an exclusive official language
  • applicants, whether nationals of a country or residents of a country where French is not the only official language, whose secondary education was conducted, for the most part, in French;
  • holders of DALF levels C1 and C2, DELF level B2;
  • candidates who have taken the TEF and obtained a mark of 14/20 in the written tests of this test.
  • No other exemptions may be granted other than those mentioned above.

    Cases of Exemption from the Prior Admission Application Procedure

    Exempt from the prior admission procedure and may therefore apply directly for admission to the University of their choice, are foreign students who meet one of these conditions:

  • applicants who hold the French baccalaureate, a French title admitted as an exemption from the baccalaureate by national regulation, or the European baccalaureate;
  • foreign applicants who can prove that they were enrolled in a post-baccalaureate program provided by a French educational institution the year preceding the academic year for which they are applying for admission
  • PLEASE NOTE: For the two cases of exemption above, you must apply for pre-registration in the first year of a bachelor's degree via the portal Parcoursup

  • applicants coming to France to study under a program established by agreement between the governments or a program defined by an inter-university agreement.
  • Applicants for enrollment in a University Institute of Technology (IUT) are invited to redirect to this page.
  • If you are admitted to continue your studies at the University you will receive an admission letter and you can proceed with your administrative registration from mid-July 2021 with the Service Scolarité of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (Service Commun pour les Etudes et la Vie Etudiante)

    Contact:  @email

Students from countries with Espaces Etudes en France

The Espaces Etudes en France are, for the countries that have them, the one-stop-shops for any foreign student with an educational project in France and the entry point to come and study in our country.
Applicants from the following countries: Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, South Korea, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Egypt, United States, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japo Algeria, Saudi Arabia,Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mexico, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Chad, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, United States, Vietnam&nbsp must log on to Studies in France.

This procedure via Etudes en France represents an exclusivity and is therefore the only one that has been selected by the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France to welcome foreign students in residence in a foreign country, for the start of the September 2021 academic year.
The opening of this service may vary depending on the country and it is necessary to inquire at the French Embassy to know the practical details, make an appointment and submit his application.

PLEASE NOTE: International students who wish to pursue their studies in the following fields: arts, design, archaeology, heritage, culture, multimedia and digital, are invited to apply simultaneously via two application procedures: the Study in France (depending on the country concerned) and the CampusArt procedure.
For information, the list of courses at the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France offered via the CampusArt application procedure is available by clicking here

Students from countries that do not have the Espace Etudes en France

Only 20% of applications for study visas to France are from countries that do not have a Study in France area.
Student applicants from these countries should send a letter or an email directly to the following address:

Postal address :

Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
. Pôle formation vie étudiant - scolarité
Le Mont Houy


To request the sending of an application file which will be sent by post only (internet excluded) to their personal address (without intermediary for transmission).

Foreign students already on French soil and wishing to continue their studies

The application procedure is dematerialized. To participate connect to

Consult the Dotorial School

Step 4: Preparing your study stay at the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France

Registration fees are set for all French universities by ministerial order.

The university does not reserve housing for students admitted to attend a course. The search for housing is a personal process for the student.

As the capacity of the university residences managed by the CROUS of the Lille Academy is extremely limited, not all requests will be accepted.

The application for admission to a university residence must be made by internet before April 30 for students already housed in a university residence and before September 30 for newcomers.

The student must also be able to meet his or her living expenses, either through a scholarship or through sufficient personal resources

NB: For more information, see the steps to take to apply for housing. 

Students who do not have a guarantor in the European Union can benefit from the VISALE system. This is a device that offers the possibility of obtaining a state guarantee. 

For everything you need to know about student housing assistance, visit the CAF 

  • Housing in private: 

You are looking for a rental, a roommate or a temporary room?  Use the housing platform STUDAPART to discover offers from private landlords, real estate agencies or even student residences.

  • Already a student? Connect to the platform by clicking on "Student Connection" then register with your University intranet credentials.

Future students? Login with the registration key: HOUSINGUPHF

In order to receive coverage for your health care costs:

  • If you are a French national, update your status at:

If you are a foreign national, register as soon as you arrive in France on:

Step 3: Informing you about administrative registration

View the International Student Registration page


Procedure for applying for or renewing a residence permit

If you need to contact the Valenciennes Sub-Prefecture, send an e-mail to @email

For all direct communications with the Valenciennes Sub-Prefecture, please quote the foreign number shown on your long-stay visa.

As soon as you have completed your administrative registration at the University, you must carry out the procedure via the online portal.

The e-mail address you enter will be used to inform you of the progress of your application, so remember to check your e-mail regularly.

It may take one to two months for your application to be processed.

Once the portal is up and running, you must submit the application to renew your residence permit between the 3rd and 2nd month before the residence permit expires (e.g. for a residence permit expiring on 30 November: submit the renewal application on the portal between 30 August and 30 September).

  • If you are a scientist without a grant or a contract doctoral student
    Contact the Research and Development Department on 03 27 51 11 48 
  • You are an ATER or reader
    Contact the Human Resources Department - teaching staff section on 03 27 51 11 52 - @email
  • You are a researcher receiving a CAMPUS FRANCE grant:
    Contact the LAMIH on 03 27 51 13 50 - @email

Your contact at the University

The Bureau Vie de l'Etudiant (Student Life Office) can provide information on the procedures to be followed in conjunction with the Sous-Préfecture.

Open: 8.30am-11.30am and 1.30pm-4.30pm except Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

It is located on the ground floor of the Maison des Services aux Etudiants (MSE), at the entrance to the Mont-Houy campus.