Insertion success rate
The OFIVE implements several surveys on the future of the graduates of the Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France.
The future after graduation
Within the Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University, the training and professional insertion observatory is in charge of:
- Evaluating the operation of training courses by monitoring the professional integration of students
- Communicating and informing the University's external and internal stakeholders
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- To build tools to help students in the process of insertion.
The surveys provide indicators as well as analyses on the professional integration of UPHF graduates, and provide information on the precise titles of the jobs held, the positions held, the salaries, etc.
Graduates' fate according to their training
- Integration of DUT
- Insertion of professional licenses
View the Job Directory 30 months after graduation
- Master's Degree Insertion
View the Job Directory 30 months after graduation
- Integration of PhDs
(available soon)