Apply for the Eiffel Excellence Program with UPHF
The Eiffel scholarship program is a tool developed by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs to enable French higher education establishments to attract the best foreign students to degree courses at Master's and PhD level.
You're considered one of the best students in your field, so don't hesitate to apply. The school you select will be responsible for your application.
Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, which supports excellence and has a wealth of experience, will be able to submit your application.
Calls for applications are generally launched at the end of September, with applications due in early January (for the start of the academic year in year N+1).
The data indicated (criteria, amount and others) refer to the year 2022. They are subject to change and will be updated in the official documentation).
Your application must be registered no later than midnight French time on November 19 on the form specified below.
Contact: @email
Eligibility criteria
- Not having French nationality, even as a second nationality
- sciences and techniques: Biology and Health, Ecological Transition, Mathematics and Numeracy, Engineering Sciences
- humanities and social sciences: History, French language and civilization, Law Political science, Economics Management
- Not be a current student in France
- Not have previously applied to this program
- Not to hold another French government scholarship
What is the duration and amount of this scholarship ?
The Eiffel scholarship is awarded for a duration of:
12 months maximum for enrolment in Master 2
24 months maximum for registration in Master 1
36 months for the preparation of an engineering degree
The monthly allowance of €1,181
Before applying on the Master form, I check :
1. my eligibility by rereading the few main criteria cited above and more comprehensively the Eiffel regulations
2. I select the Master's course that interests me (only one choice possible) > here <
3. I prepare my documents LISTE
I am applying (I can withdraw my application at any time) > here <
A selection panel will review applications and shortlist files before November 30, 2023. Applicants will be contacted again following the jury.
Applications must be submitted online by the school before the first week of January, the deadline imposed by Campus France.
Publication of results during April 2024
Eligibility criteria
- Not having French nationality, even as a second nationality
- Be a doctoral student of foreign nationality aged 30 or under (born after March 1993) :
in the following fields:
- sciences and techniques: Biology and health, Ecological transition, Mathematics and digital, Engineering sciences
- humanities and social sciences: History, French language and civilization, Law Political science, Economics Management
- Students currently studying in France are not given priority.
- Must not have previously applied to this program.
- Not be the holder of another French government scholarship
What is the duration and amount of this scholarship ?
The Eiffel scholarship is awarded for a maximum duration of 18 months in France (divisible into a maximum of 3 stays, and a minimum of 6 months. It cannot extend beyond 36 months, including periods outside France
The monthly allowance amounts to €1,700.
.Before applying on the PhD form, I check :
1. my eligibility by rereading the main criteria listed above and more comprehensively the Eiffel regulations
2. I must provide the document attesting to a co-tutelle or co-direction and provide the co-tutelle agreement or an attestation of co-direction signed by the French and foreign parties or any document attesting to the co-tutelle / co-direction project.
3. I prepare my documents : LIST
I am applying (I can withdraw my application at any time) > here <
A selection panel will review applications and shortlist files before November 30, 2023. Applicants will be contacted again following the jury.
Applications must be submitted online by the school before the first week of January, the deadline imposed by Campus France.
Publication of results during April 2024
Programme Eiffel : FAQ
Au niveau Master, vous n'avez que 2 diplômes enseignés en anglais :
- The International Master in Transportation and Energy
- Information Technology for Smart and Sustainable Mobility (IT4SSM) - EUNICE Alliance
Oui, vous pouvez candidater sur toutes les formations de niveau Master à l’UPHF/INSA même si elles ne sont pas ouvertes sur la plateforme EeF.
Pour le volet Master, vous êtes inéligible.
Pour le volet Doctorat, votre candidature ne sera pas prioritaire.
Vous pouvez candidater sur le formulaire pour un Master 2. Il est toutefois possible que le responsable de la formation, s’il vous sélectionne, vous réoriente vers un Master 1.
Conformément au code de l’Education article R719-49, les bénéficiaires d’une bourse du gouvernement français sont exonérés des droits d’inscription à la préparation d’un diplôme national ou titre d’ingénieur.
Le programme d’excellence Eiffel ne prend pas en charge les frais de formation additionnels, ils restent à votre charge.
Vous pouvez suivre une formation préalable donnée dans un organisme de formation, mais le coût de la formation ne sera pas pris en charge par le Programme d’excellence Eiffel. Le besoin en cette formation devra être intégré dès la candidature, le programme pourra alors verser des mensualités de bourse Eiffel complémentaire (pour une durée maximale de deux mois).