Organization of studies
The LDM system " Bachelor's/Master's/Doctorate " is recognized in all universities in the European area. These are also levels of professional insertion.
The license
The bachelor's degree combines multidisciplinarity and progressive orientation. Organized over six semesters, every license is structured in teaching units (UE) and ECTS credits. Each semester is validated by 30 credits, which can be capitalized for life and transferred to all universities in the European area. The license is obtained after having validated 180 credits, by acquisition of all the UE or by compensation.
Also integrated into the LMD system, professional licenses are prepared over two semesters, after a baccalaureate degree: BTS, DUT, DEUST or after having validated 4 semesters of license.
The master
The master's degree operates a specialization in view of a progressive orientation towards research or professional purposes. Organized in four semesters worth 30 credits each and accompanied by an internship, the master's degree includes typical courses with a professional purpose (master pro) or a research purpose (master research).
The choice of major is made at the entrance to a master's course (M1). It defines the academic and professional skills acquired by the student at the end of the master cycle. Its title may refer to a discipline or an association of disciplines and/or to professional fields.
The choice of the mention is made at the entrance to a master's course (M1).
Attention to languages: the degree will only be validated if the student masters at least one modern foreign language.
The Ph.
Prepared within a doctoral school, the doctorate takes place over 3 or 4 years. Training in research through research, the doctorate includes, in addition to thesis work, complementary scientific, general and professional opening training. This set of courses, conferences and seminars is intended to facilitate the professional integration of the doctoral student.
.Generally, the final choice of specialization occurs upon entry into the 2nd year of the master's program (M2). A subdivision of the mention, the specialization emphasizes certain specificities of the training. It can be coupled or not with the track (research or pro).