2157 Résultats pour votre recherche
adel test
Published on 17/02/2022
Pr. ARTIBA Abdelhakim
Type of portrait Président de l'Université Polytechnique Hauts-De-France
Published on 17/02/2022
Boards & commissions
Pursuant to the law of January 26, 1984, on higher education and the law of August 10, 2007, on University Freedom and Responsibility, the statutes of the National Institutes of Applied Sciences have provided for the existence of several bodies.
Published on 16/02/2022
The study contract
In order to construct a study contract, you will need to replace the courses you would normally take at your home university with courses taught at Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France.
Published on 15/02/2022
Foreign students: application form
For international exchange students, the application file is mainly composed of several pieces.
Published on 15/02/2022
Applications - Registrations
Published on 15/02/2022
Foreign students: applying as an individual
International students who wish to apply and then enroll at UPHF, must follow a specific process.
Published on 14/02/2022
How to apply for UPHF courses
The eCandidat application allows you to apply online for courses offered by the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France.
The procedure is dematerialized: the wishes and the transmission of the application files are done directly in the application.
Published on 14/02/2022
Studying abroad
As part of your academic career at UPHF, you have the opportunity to complete a period of international mobility.
Published on 13/02/2022