Doctoral theses - Automation
Anass TAOUFIK : "Fault detection and isolation in controlled multi-robot systems" (05/01/2022 - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus - Valenciennes)
Ayush Kumar JAIN: "Investigating Stability of Driver-Vehicle System under Aperiodic Sampling Measurements" (11/10/2021 - Online)
Anirut KANTASA-ARD: "Towards a smart prediction and optimization model in the context of Physical Internet Supply Chain Network" (06/22/2021 - UPHF)
Michael GRAY: "Controlling an electrically assisted wheelchair" (02/06/2021 - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus - Valenciennes)
Juan Carlos ARCEO LUZANILLA: "Brain Machine Interface Assisted Motor Rehabilitation for Neurological Disabilities" (04/23/2021 - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus)
Viet Thuan NGUYEN: "Model-based Shared Control for Electrically Assisted Wheelchair with Force Feedback Joystick" (21/01/2021 - UPHF - LAMIH - Valenciennes)
Marcelino SANCHEZ PANTOJA: "Design and control of hybrid vehicles"(18/12/2020 - UPHF - Valenciennes)
Tarik CHARGUI : "Optimization and simulation of cross-docking operations in the context of the Physical Internet" (25/09/2020 - Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tetouan, Morocco)
John William MBULI: "Proposal of a multi-agent system for reactive planning of maintenance operations of a fleet of mobile cyber-physical systems: Application to the railway domain" (22/11/2019 at 10:30 am - UPHF - Amphi IEMN/DOAE)
Guoxi FENG: "PMR mobility assistance: an approach based on unknown input observers and reinforcement learning" (04/11/2019 - Université Polytechnique de Hauts-de-France - Valenciennes)
Vivien BASSELOT : "Contribution to the modeling of informational chains and decision-making processes associated with a "smart" product: Application to an industrial test connector" (23/10/2019 - UPHF - Campus - Mont Houy - SOUTENANCE A HUIS-CLOS)
Maxime THIEFFRY : "Dynamic control of flexible robots" (16/10/2019 - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France)
Thi Van Anh NGUYEN : "Control of manipulator robots based on Takagi-Sugeno model: new approach for trajectory tracking" (04/10/2019 at 10:00 am - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Amphi IEMN)
Braulio Norberto AGUIAR COTA: "Robust automatic train control under skidding-engineering constraint" (Defense in closed session on12/07/2019 - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - LAMIH)
Pipit ANGGRAENI: "Decentralized leader/follower consensus for a fleet of temporally constrained cooperative robots" (June 11, 2019 at 10:00 am - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Amphithéâtre IEMN/DOAE)
Ahmed HAMIEH: "Automatic path planning inside buildings based on a BIM model" (06/11/2018 - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Amphithéâtre IEMN-DOAE)
Mathias BLANDEAU: "Modeling and Characterization of Sitting Stability in People Living with Spinal Cord Injury" (01/06/2018 - UVHC - IEMN DOAE Amphitheater)
Mohamed Amir BENLOUCIF: "Multi-level human-machine cooperation between the driver and a driving automation system" (06/04/2018 - Valenciennes)
Thomas LAURAIN : "Advanced controller synthesis for quasi-LPV systems applied to automotive engine control / Advanced controller design for quasi-LPV systems applied to automotive engine control"(04/12/2017 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - LAMIH - CISIT Building)
Zhu WANG: "Modeling and Scheduling of Multi-cluster Tools in Wafer Fabrication System / Modelling et planification des outils multi-clusters dans un système de fabrication de plaquette de silicium (22/11/2017 - Tongji University - Chine)
José Fernando JIMENEZ GORDILLO: "Dynamic and Hybrid Architecture for Optimal Reconfiguration of Control Systems: Application to Manufacturing Control" (07/11/2017 - UVHC - IEMN/DOAE Amphitheater)
Mohammed ELSAEH: "Haptic control strategy for rehabilitation of the affected upper limb of the hemiplegic child" (09/10/2017 - Uvhc - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN Amphi)
Chunshi GUO: "Design of driver-vehicle cooperation principles for automated driving systems" (29/05/2017 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus)
Benyamine ALLOUCHE: "Modeling and control of robots: new approaches based on Takagi-Sugeno models" (09/15/2016 at lOh - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - Amphi IEMN - DOAE)
Rémi LOSERO: "Torque and speed control of the slip of a single or double clutch in an automotive transmission" (21/01/2016 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - Amphi IEMN - DOAE)
Christine BOYDEV: "Automatic segmentation of Elekta SAS cone tomography images for prostate radiotherapy" (04/12/2015 at 10:30 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - ENSIAME - Amphitheater E8)
Raymundo MARQUEZ-BORBON: "New control and observation schemes based on Takagi-Sugeno models" (12/11/2015 - UVHC - ENSIAME - Claudin Lejeune Building 1 - Amphi E3)
Victor ESTRADA MANZO : "Estimation and control of descriptor systems" (02/10/2015 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy)
Jean-René RUAULT: "Proposed architecture and process for system resilience; application to long-life critical systems"(07/07/2015 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN Amphitheater)
Nedjemi Djamel Eddine RACHEDI: "Modeling and monitoring of Human-Machine systems: Application to railway driving" (09/02/2015 at 10:30 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus)
Gabriel Mauricio ZAMBRANO REY: "Reducing Myopic Behavior in FMS Control: A Semi-Heterarchical Approach Based on Simulation-Optimization" (03/07/2014 at 10:45 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN/DOAE Amphi)
Boussaad SOUALMI: "Human-Machine Cooperation for Automated Driving: a Haptic Sharing Approach to Control" (16/01/2014 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - Amphi IEMN/DOAE)
Jérémy VAN GORP: "Diagnosis and observation of a class of hybrid dynamic systems. Application to the multicellular serial converter." (05/12/2013 at 10am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN DOAE Amphitheater) - consult the thesis online
Cyrille PACH : "ORCA: Hybrid architecture for myopia control in the context of Flexible Production Systems"(10/12/2013 at 10:30 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - ENSIAME - Amphitheater E14) - consult the thesis online
Tran Anh-Tu NGUYEN: "Advanced control tools for automotive applications" (02/12/2013 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - ENSIAME - Amphitheatre E2) - consult the thesis online
Clément FONTAINE : "Optimal supervisory control of hybrid electric vehicles under state constraints" (20/09/2013 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - Amphi IEMN-DOAE) - consult the thesis online
Abdelhafidh JAADARI: "Continuous quasi-LPV systems: how to go beyond the quadratic framework?"(03/07/2013 at 10:30 am - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - Amphi IEMN DOAE) - consult the thesis online
Alaa MAROUF : "Contribution to the Control of the Electric Power Steering System" (22/05/2013 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - Amphi IEMN-DOAE) - consult the thesis online
Kiswendsida Abel OUEDRAOGO: "Reinforced learning applied to the evaluation of the resilience of a Human-Machine System to critical situations." (14/02/2013 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E3) - consult the thesis online
Fabien TURGIS : "Improving the reliability of a complex system - Railway application: passenger access" (08/02/2013 at 11:00 am - UVHC - Amphi IEMN-DOAE) - consult the thesis online
Sabrina DELROT : "Detecting fouling in a heat exchanger by Takagi-Sugeno type observers" (04/06/2012 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ISTV1 - Amphi 200s) - consult thesis online
Sami MOHAMMAD: "Realization and robust control of a physical rehabilitation system"(21/02/2012 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - ENSIAME - Amphi E7) - consult the thesis online
Philippe RICHARD: "Contribution to the formalization and identification of human stability with respect to safety: application to guided transport systems" (12/01/2012 at 2pm - IFSTTAR - Villeneuve d'Ascq)
Silviu RAILEANU : "Proposal of a generic steering model for a guided flow system / Application of holonic concepts to intelligent transport (FSMS/PRT)" ( 28/06/2011 - Bucharest - Romania)
Hichem KERKENI : "Analysis and Synthesis of periodic nonlinear models: Application to the spark ignition engine." (20/05/2011 at 10:45 am - UVHC - ISTV1 - Amphi 200S)
Jean François DEBRIL: "Analysis and modeling of the lateral transfer motion of the paraplegic person" (25/01/2011 at 2:00 PM - Lottman Building - IEMN Amphi)
Frédéric BONVOISIN : "Evaluation of operating room performance: from model to indicators" (20/01/2011 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Claudin Lejeune Building - Amphi E2)
Nassima AISSANI : "Adaptive and reactive control for a continuous flow production system: application to a petrochemical production system" (02/12/10 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E3)
Omar KHEMOUDJ : "Development of an on-board weighing method on heavy trucks" (02/12/10 at 11:00 am - Paris - Laboratoire central des ponts et chaussées)
Nadine ZBIB : "Dynamic allocation and routing in an FMS based on the concept of potential field." (08/07/2010 at 10am - UVHC - Amphi IEMN DOAE)
EI-Hadi GUECHI : "Trajectory tracking of a non-holonomic mobile robot: Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model approach and delay consideration" (06/28/10 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 175E)
David ANNEBICQUE: "Contribution of decision support to Human-Machine cooperation. Application to air traffic control." (19/05/10 at 11am - UVHC - Amphi 175E)
Tarek CHAARI : "A genetic algorithm for robust scheduling: application to the flow shop problem" (11/03/10 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E8)
Karine YOUNSI: "Analysis of the Driver-Vehicle-Environment system by a multifactorial and multivariate approach. Application to lane change on highway networks." (20/01/10 at 11am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E3)
Rabia BENAYACHE: "Contribution to the robust control of uncertain nonlinear systems:application to a hydraulic system." (02/12/09 at 10:30 am - IUT de l'Aisne - GEII Department)
Delphine DUBART : "Methodology for exploiting non-temporal data from a study on the Driver-Vehicle-Environment system: application to the monitoring situation" (21/10/09 at 11:00 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Saïda KERMANI: "Energy management of hybrid vehicles: from simulation to real-time control" (17/09/09 at 10am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Ludovic DUQUESNE : "A multi-criteria decision support approach for the acceptance of a dynamic road sign"(09/06/09 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E7)
Lahcen EL HIKI: "Proposal and validation of a continuous improvement model for hospital processes" (16/12/08 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Amphi E7)
Daoud RAMEZ: "Wired and wireless ethemet for intelligent transportation systems"(11/12/2008 at 11am - UVHC - MALVACHE Building - Meeting Room)
Vincent RICQUEBOURG: "Credible data fusion in the context of ambient intelligence" (9/19/08 at 3pm - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi A70E)
Hakim LAMARA: " Fuzzy φ-calculus: applications to classification and control " (12/18/07 at 9am - UVHC - ISTV - Amphi E8 - ENSIAME)
François DELMOTTE : "Belief Functions / Fuzzy Command" (06/12/07 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 175E)
Jérome BERNARD: "Fuel cell hybrid vehicles: sizing and control strategies" (03/12/07 - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 175E)
Abderrazak BOUMANE: "Development of a methodology for skills management" (16/10/07 - Faculty of Sciences and Techniques Fez-saiss - Morocco)
Olivier DELEPINE: "Contribution to the integration of prognosis in Human-Machine supervision of complex systems according to the Hybrid Dynamic System approach" (17/07/2007 at 11am - UVHC - ISTV1 - Abel de Pujol Building - Amphitheater 200S)
Laid KEFSI: "Contribution to the study of continuous-time generalized predictive control of mechatronic systems" (10/07/07 at 2:45 PM - Soissons)
Laurent MARKVOORT: "Methodology for statistical analysis of tolerances in assemblies involving deformable components" (18/06/07 at 11am - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 100E)
Djamel KHIAR: "Modeling and control of a spark-ignition thermal motor" (04/05/07 at 11am - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 17E)
Alexandre KRUSZEWSKI: "Control laws for a class of nonlinear models in Takagi- Sugeno form: Putting in LMI form" (12/12/06 at 10:30 am - UVHC - Amphi Coquet)
Salah Ben Hédi BOUSBIA: " Continuous improvement of the performance of goods and services production systems: proposal of a logical architecture of an evolutionary heterarchical control system by learning. " (12/12/06 at 12:30 pm - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E8)
Pierre-Frédéric TOULOTTE: "Virtual hitching for automated vehicles (29/09/06 - 10am - ISTV - Room 200S)
Slim TRIKI : "Contribution to the design of active supervision tools for continuous and manufacturing processes" (08/12/2005 at 2:30 PM - ENSIAME - Amphi E7)
Mohamed KSONTINI: "Implementation of control laws based on continuous multi-models of Takagi-Sugeno type" (05/13/2005 at 9:00 am - SFAX - Tunisia)
Hélène RAGO-TIRMANT : "Synthesis of control laws for Takagi-Sugeno type fuzzy models - Application to a two-wheeled vehicle prototype" (09/11/2004 at 10:00 am - Amphi Collet - Carpeaux Building)
Zhicheng ZHANG: "Human Reliability: Prediction of Violations by Neural Networks and Application to Transportation Systems" (03/30/2004 at 10:30 am - Amphi E8, Bât. Claudin Le Jeune)
Guillaume BRISSART : "Study of driver behavior in longitudinal regulation on the road for the specification of active safety systems" (30/01/2004 at 11:00 am - Amphi E7/E8 ENSIAME)
Kevin GUELTON: "Estimation of human motion characteristics while standing. Implementation of fuzzy observers in descriptor form" (December 16, 2003 at 11:00 am - Amphi E7)
Jimmy LAUBER: "Spark ignition engine with EGR: nonlinear modeling and control" (December 5, 2003 at 10:00 am - Amphi E7 - ENSIAME)
Chen HONGYAN: "Change management in the information system of a production system" (October 20, 2003 at 10:45 am - E2 - ENSIAME)
Khaled EL SANWAR: "Contribution to the implementation of a device for assisting motor handicapped people by eye control for navigation in a 3D virtual engine" (September 19, 2003 at 11:00 am - Amphi 150 - Matisse Building)
Nizar AIFAOUI: "CAD/Calculation integration: an approach by calculation features" (03/07/2003 at 10:45 am - Ensiame room 8)
Yannick LOUAS : "Study of the visuo-cognitive behavior and reliability of the human operator subjected to visuo-vestibular constraints: application to maritime navigation" (Tuesday, June 17, 2003 at 10:30 a.m. - Amphi E7, Bât. Claudin Lejeune - Ensiame)
Philippe POLET : "Modeling barrier crossings for risk analysis of Human-Machine systems (09/12/2002 at 2:30 pm - Amphi E7 - ENSIAME)
Omar MASAAF: "Validation of machining features by attributed machining grammars. A contribution to the consideration of machining constraints during design" (10/21/2002 at 2:30 PM - ETS Montreal)
Frédéric TOMALA: "Proposal of models and methods to help evaluate the performance of an innovation from its conception" (10/18/2002 at 11:00 am - Ensimev Room E8)
Wankai SHI: "Top-down design of assembly by assembly features" (4/18/2002 at 11am - Ensimev amphi E3)
Sébastien DELPRAT: "Evaluation of control strategies for parallel hybrid vehicles" (04/01/2002 at 10:30 am - Ensimev amphi E7)
Dimitri TABARY: "Contribution to TOOD, a model-based method for specification and design of interactive systems" (12/20/2001 at 10:30 am - Amphi E - Ensimev)

Doing a thesis

Thesis topics