Women in scientific research: New generation
Le 29/11/2023
13:30 - 16:15
IMTD Amphitheatre
For decades, women have been fighting for the same rights as men. In the field of research, although disparities persist, more and more women are reaching the highest levels of responsibility. These success stories are an inspiration to the new generation of female researchers.
"La Recherche Scientifique au féminin : nouvelle génération" is an event dedicated to sharing the experiences of women in research management positions, researchers at the start of their careers, but also young doctoral students, passionate about their work and ready to take on tomorrow's scientific challenges.
The event is organized by the Parité-Egalité Commission of LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201 to show young female students/engineers that a scientific career is possible for them.
If you would like to attend, please come along onNovember 29, from 1:30 pm to 6 pm, at the IMTD amphitheater.
As the number of places is limited, you must register by completing the form below.
1:30 pm: Welcome
14h00 : Opening
2:15pm: Interview with Adeline Nazarenko, Director CNRS Computer Sciences
2:45pm: Round table "Women in scientific research, what ambitions for the new generation?"
- Adeline Nazarenko, University Professor, CNRS Director Computer Sciences, Researcher in computer science at LIPN
- Mirentxu Dubar, University Professor, Deputy Director INSA Hauts-de France, Researcher in mechanics at LAMIH
- Cécilia Daquin, Maitresse de conférences, Researcher in automatic control at LAMIH
- Elvina Derhille, Doctoral student in mechanics at LAMIH
- Chaima Zormati, PhD student in computer science at LAMIH
4:15pm: Closing