Prélude Training - Polytechnic Modules
As part of the Prélude project, the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France is offering Polytechnic Modules (MP) and Opening Modules (MO). The offer is available here.
The MP format is 36 H and the MO format is 18H.
There are multiple follow-up modalities: asynchronous, hybrid or face-to-face.
The registration period is on two times: September for the odd semester and January for the even semester. The first time is from September to December and from January to May for the second.
The day reserved for MO is Thursday afternoon (sometimes an evening after 18:00 or Saturday morning for some) and Friday for PM.
In asynchronous, no day is required.
A certificate on the time spent in the modules may be issued at their completion.
NB: To be validated, the training must be taken in its entirety (36h MP or 18h MO)
Please note, all of your training must be completed in agreement with your thesis director.