The University hosted the closing event of the Printemps du Handicap
Partners, institutions and companies came in great numbers to attend the closing of the Spring for Disability which took place on our campus Monday June 20, 2022.
In introduction, Pierre Legrand, director of Cap Emploi Grand Hainaut thanked the 34 partners who invested, during the 3 months that lasted the Printemps du Handicap, on various and varied actions to co-construct the contents, to make co-animation and co-organization.
Abdelhak Kabila, Vice President of the University recalled that " UPHF has made disability a cross-cutting axis of its development strategy. The University has indeed invested disability in accordance with the latest university-disability charter with a student axis, a training axis, a research and innovation axis, an accessibility axis and a personal axis. For this last axis, the commitment has been strong in recent years, in line with the social and societal responsibility of our institution: in 2012 the University had 0.8% of beneficiaries of the employment obligation, in 2021 this representation exceeds 7.5% " The vice-president also warmly congratulated Cap Emploi for its impetus of a territorial and partnership dynamics of employment and disability.
The participants then attended the conference "Impact of working conditions and psycho-social risks on the situation of disability", the preview of the film made by Cap Emploi "Mission H possible" and a review of the Printemps du Handicap.