Foundation presentation
Created in 2019, the purpose of the Fondation Partenariale Polytechnique Hauts-de-France is to develop and support innovation, scientific and technological research, entrepreneurship, as well as to support the educational process and solidarity in favor of students.
Strengthen the influence and attractiveness of the University
Through its Foundation, the University wishes to strengthen its influence and attractiveness by developing its support for educational excellence and innovation through a strong territorial anchoring with the economic world. Its objectives are to develop and support innovation, scientific and technological research and entrepreneurship. The University accompanies the educational approach and solidarity in favor of students through its actions.
Actions in connection with the public service of higher education
The Partnership Foundation favors the following modes of action in connection with the missions of the public service of higher education in order to achieve its objectives:
- Networking and intermediation with actors from the private economic world;
- The development of networks of alumni and friends of the University;
- The funding of research activities or research equipment;
- Funding of scholarships, particularly to students, doctoral candidates and teacher-researchers; The funding of chairs;
- The funding of chairs;
- Funding of training courses;
- Funding of training courses
- Support for the publication and dissemination of research;
- Organizing conferences;
- The sale of any goods or services related to the purpose of the Foundation within the authorized tax limits allowing the Foundation to be considered as non-profit.
The values of the Foundation
The Foundation promotes the values of openness, modernity, diversity, foresight and solidarity.