
Affichage de 5611 à 5620 sur 6388

  • Chapitre d'ouvrage

Programmation mathématique et heuristiques pour le problème d'ordonnancement avec coûts d'avance et de retard

Mustapha Ratli, Rachid Benmansour, Rita Macedo, Said Hanafi, Christophe Wilbaut

Bassem Jarboui; Patrick Siarry; Jacques Teghem. Métaheuristiques pour l'ordonnancement monocritère des ateliers de production, Lavoisier, 266 pp., 2013, 978-2-7462-3926-5. ⟨hal-03573402⟩

  • Article dans une revue

Interaction Between Tangible and Virtual Agents on Interactive Tables: Principles and Case Study

Yoann Lebrun, Emmanuel Adam, René Mandiau, Christophe Kolski

Interactive tables (tactile, tangible and mixed tables) are mainly used as support of interaction to design applications and value-added services. Indeed, new collaborative applications emerged from theses new supports using classical interaction (through keyboard, mouse…

Procedia Computer Science, 2013, The 4th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2013), the 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Energy Information Technology (SEIT-2013), 19, pp.32-39. ⟨10.1016/j.procs.2013.06.010⟩. ⟨hal-03623155⟩

  • Rapport

Forces d’interactions

Amal Saadé, Philippe Pudlo, Mathieu Lempereur, Olivier Rémy-Néris

[Rapport de recherche] LAMIH, Valenciennes. 2013. ⟨hal-03467529⟩

  • Rapport

Simplified modeling of welded joints of automobile seats

Nicolas Leconte, Gabriel Maradei, Eric Markiewicz

[Research Report] Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis. 2013. ⟨hal-03448639⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Glucose increases aggression by young French male drivers

H.C. Miller, Maxence Courbez, Janick Naveteur

Taking it to the streets: The study of self-control beyond students in the lab. symposium, May 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands. ⟨hal-03533163⟩

  • Article dans une revue

La campagne des Conservateurs pour les élections au Parlement écossais de 2011: un appel resté vain au bon sens populaire

Edwige Camp-Pietrain

Textes & Contextes, 2013, Individu et nation, 5. ⟨hal-04085435⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Interactive tabletops as new supports for collective diagnosis ?

Christophe Kolski, Yoann Lebrun, Bako Rajaonah, Sophie Lepreux, René Mandiau

Foundations and Applications of Human-Machine Interaction, 10th Workshop on Human-Machine Systems, Oct 2013, Berlin, Germany. pp.167-172. ⟨hal-03384077⟩

  • Communication dans un congrès

Component based framework to create mobile cross-platform applications

Joachim Perchat, Mikael Desertot, Sylvain Lecomte

Smartphones provide a set of native functionalities and another set of functionalities available through third-party applications. The emergence of more and more actors, without standards to provide their devices or OS, stops the cross-platform development. Indeed, a developer would have to learn…

The 4th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies, Jun 2013, Halifax, Canada. pp.1004-1011, ⟨10.1016/j.procs.2013.06.140⟩. ⟨hal-03472627⟩

  • Article dans une revue

PCRDT et isomorphisme institutionnel

Isabelle Kustosz

La vie de la recherche scientifique, 2013, 394, pp.25. ⟨hal-02926946⟩