Our missions
The Fondation Partenariale Polytechnique Hauts-de-France builds on the foundations of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France to raise funds for students and, more specifically, to support educational excellence and research, with an ongoing commitment to societal and environmental issues.
Helping our students succeed and integrate into a changing world

With over 14,000 students, national and international, spread over 5 campuses, the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, is committed to each and every one of them, helping them to develop and consolidate:
- their knowledge and skills
- their professional expertise
- their openness to the world and to others
- their critical sense
- their sensitivity to societal and environmental issues
Supporting our Foundation means supporting the success and future of our young people!
Advancing and sharing research and innovation

With more than 160 teacher-researchers, 250 doctoral students, 4 research laboratories and a Doctoral School, UPHF is recognized as a Pôle d'Excellence for its research and has focused on 3 major areas that respond to societal challenges in line with regional, national and international objectives and orientations:
- Health and care of the future
- City, Mobility and Territory of the Future
- Industry of the future, eco-friendly materials and associated processes
Supporting our Foundation means supporting those who will create the research and innovation of tomorrow!
Shaping the future of the region with regional, national and international players

With its roots in the Hauts-de-France region, its 60 years of existence and history, the UPHF has built up a solid network of partnerships. From institutional partnerships to partnerships in the professional world, the university has woven a mesh that enables it to collaborate actively and effectively with those who work for the region.
On the international stage, the UPHF is a major player in the development of the Hauts-de-France region.
Internationally, the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France is a member of EUNICE, an alliance of ten European higher education establishments working to implement a new European university.
The aim of this alliance is to offer personalized, flexible higher education through inter-university mobility. EUNICE aims to be innovative, committed, open and multicultural.
Supporting the Foundation means supporting the development of collaborative actions and exchanges for our students.
Promoting equal opportunity and inclusion in an ever-changing world

With its many commitment and support schemes, UPHF is committed to making higher education accessible to as many people as possible under optimum conditions.
The University is committed to:
- to be a more welcoming university for students with disabilities
- to ensure gender equality
- to maintain its role as a social elevator
Over and above these commitments, UPHF is aware of societal and environmental issues and works daily and collectively to build a better future.
Supporting the foundation means supporting each and every one of us in a world to preserve!
a foundation with values
- A foundation committed
to students and to those who create the future
- A local foundation
rooted in its region and close to its partners
- A responsible foundation
whose priority is success and well-being
- A responsible foundation
- A responsible foundation
- A responsible foundation
- A foundation open
to the world and supports mobility
- A humanist foundation
that works for equality and all opportunities
- A foundation aware
of environmental issues and the need to protect future generations
- A foundation turned towards others
because it's together that we make and will make great projects and valuable actions