Prof. Cristina Tirnauca
  • Recherche
  • Seminar

Seminar "A food recommender system for a better gut microbiota balance

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the seminar of Prof. Cristina Tirnauca from the univ. Cantabria (Spain)

  • Le 20/10/2022

  • 14:00 - 15:00
  • Seminar
  • Mont Houy Campus

Title: A food recommender system for a better gut microbiota balance

Keywords: Bioinformatics, Decision support systems, Unsupervised learning

Friday, October 21 from 10 to 11 am in room 215 of the Malvache building.

Cristina Tirnauca obtained her PhD in 2009 in the Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona, Spain) within the PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications. After three years of PostDoc in the University of Cantabria (Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computation), she started to work as an Assistant Professor in the same department. Since 2018 she is an Associate Professor.

Exercising these positions, she taught 12 different subjects at the undergraduate and postgraduate level, in Spanish and English. She supervised more than 20 end-of-degree and end-of-master projects.

The results of her research work have been published in various international journals and scientific forums, among which 14 are in JCR-indexed journals (around 40 in total). Her main research directions fall into one of the following categories: grammatical inference, learning from observation, predictive learning, descriptive learning (association rules or patterns), and applied machine learning (in medicine).

She participated in four national research projects and five technology transfer projects. She acted as editor for the proceedings of several conferences and workshops, as a reviewer for numerous conferences, journals and national projects and helped organizing various conferences and one workshop.

She carried out research stays at the University of Turku, Finland (two months), the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo, Japan (three months) and the Jean-Monnet University, in Saint-Etienne, France (three and a half months).

Contact : Emmanuelle Grislin & Kathia Oliveira


Emmanuelle Grislin

Kathia Marcal de Oliveira