Visuel du projet
  • Lecture series

The University of Shared Knowledge

The President of the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Abdelhakim Artiba, has asked a team to lead an innovative project to open up our establishment to civil society, oriented towards transgenerational activities connected to the territory.

A lecture series open to all

This project, called Université des Savoirs Partagés (USP), is being built within a working group with logistical and administrative support from the Institut Sociétés et Humanités and the invaluable support of its director, Frédéric Attal.
The directions taken for the coming academic year will lead to an annual cycle of "general public" conferences open to all, entitled "Today's World, Tomorrow's World", in tune with the general public, invited authorities or personalities, and UPHF staff and students.

Themes rooted in the region

The first inaugural conference will take place in October 2023 with a prestigious guest: Jean-Louis Debré (former minister, former President of the National Assembly and the Constitutional Council). The Ve Republic and its institutions will be a focus for reflection and remarks to understand our political environment as citizens.
In November, the second conference will see the intervention of Plana Radenovic who will evoke the question of prisons and the prison universe and propose a focus on intra-family violence, an insidious scourge.

The schedule of conferences will continue to unfold throughout the year, offering the public the following themes:

  • Artificial intelligence;
  • The Valenciennois, land of steel;
  • What future for our territories? ;
  • The Nord through the time of cinema ;
  • An archaeological panorama of Hainaut-Cambrésis.

Prochain cycle : Dialogue entre cultures

Les orientations envisagées pour l’année universitaire à venir ont abouti à un cycle annuel de conférences, ouvert à tous et gratuit, intitulé « Dialogue entre cultures. ».
Aborder le monde à travers le prisme de l’autre offre une fenêtre sur des réalités différentes, des valeurs uniques et des traditions diverses.
Dans ce dialogue entre les cultures, se déploie la richesse de la diversité humaine et la complexité de notre monde interconnecté. Les frontières deviennent des ponts, et les différences, des invitations à la compréhension mutuelle.

Vous retrouverez très prochainement l’agenda complet et le programme du cycle de conférences et des formations.

Towards a training offer

USP is also committed to offering transgenerational training that is accessible and open to all.
Hybridization of knowledge is a central pillar of the project. The hybridization of knowledge is a central pillar of the project and corresponds to a guarantee of openness favoring the necessary connections with our local environment and social and civic life.
Look out for the full agenda and program of upcoming conferences and training courses very soon.

The President of the UPHF and the entire project team invite you to attend the first conference in order to benefit from the intervention of Jean-Louis Debré, in October.

Composition du groupe de travail

(par ordre alphabétique)

Thomas Barège, maître de conférences en littérature comparée.
Mokhtar Ben Barka, professeur de civilisation américaine.
Yannick Bernabe, responsable du service communication de l’ISH.
Hervé Delplanque, Président du Conseil de l'ISH.
Michèle Kosmala, responsable de l'administration et des finances de l’ISH.
Arnaud Huftier, vice-Président délégué à la culture, aux initiatives et à la citoyenneté.
Abdelhak Kabila, vice-Président délégué aux ressources humaines.
Didier Lhomme, professeur de Droit public.


Université des Savoirs Partagés

Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France

Campus du Mont Houy
Bâtiment Matisse, service communication ISH
59313 Valenciennes CEDEX 9

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