A look back at the visit of Adeline Nazarenko, CNRS Director of Computer Sciences at LAMIH
On November 29, LAMIH was honored to welcome Ms Adeline Nazarenko, Director CNRS Sciences Informatiques accompanied by Marian Scuturici, Deputy Scientific Director industrial partnerships, valorization, platform monitoring, software.
This was an opportunity to present some of the laboratory's research platforms and focus on several research projects. A busy morning.
Adeline Nazarenko emphasized the diversity of research work carried out at LAMIH, "remarkable cross-disciplinary research with a strong experimental component."
The morning's program:
Informatics department
Demonstration and testing of some tools developed during research such as the ParkinsonCom application and the SGHandi serious game.
The ParkinsonCom software, available on tablet and smartphone (Android), helps people with Parkinson's disease communicate and accompanies them in their daily lives.
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Automatic department
Adeline Nazarenko tested the TRAM TRAIN driving simulator (PSCHITT Rail). The PSCHITT platform is a versatile, dynamic and immersive simulator dedicated to research in the transportation field
.Contact: @email

Presentation of BEARS Engineering, LAMIH's mechatronics engineering design office. Multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary, this structure provides the laboratory's researchers with technical expertise for research into mobility, sustainable transport and disability
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Presentation and testing of the Cooperating Automated Vehicle demonstrator, which is used to validate work in the field of human-machine cooperation, particularly on aspects of sharing control of the vehicle between the driver and the automated systems in conjunction with the driver's status.
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Mechanical department

The tour begins with the wind tunnel. This platform is used for the development of basic experimental research and for aerodynamic testing.
Presentation of the "BREAQ" project using this platform. "BREAQ" for BRaking Emissions characterisation & mitigation for Air Quality Improvement is a research project, led by ALSTOM, which deals with the impact of rolling stock on its environment in terms of emissions.
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The tour continues with a presentation of the platform MORPHOMECA.
The MORPHOMECA platform is dedicated to the exploration and morphological analysis of surfaces, from decimetric to nanometric scales.

Demonstration of precision engraving with the latest acquisition, the FemtoSecond laser, which improves surface functionality through controlled texturing.
Presentation in the human motor analysis.
This platform is dedicated to the study of human motricity: 3D motion analysis, biomechanical motion analysis and physiological parameters.