Exhibition "Corps en partage
The UPHF invites you to discover its new exhibition "Corps en partage" featuring works by Emmanuelle Gailliez, Eric Monbel and Diana Quinby, from December 1, 2023 to January 20, 2024, at the UPHF Art Center, as well as the opening reception on November 30 at 6:30 pm.
The exhibition explained by the artists
There was a time when the word body, in art, rhymed with the word academy. A man's, or woman's, academy was the result of that study of the human body, its morphology, its anatomy, its symbolic potential, which formed the basis of artistic education. We came to learn about the body in the same way as an apprentice musician had to learn solfeggio, before being able to play, compose or even improvise. That time is long gone, but the body as a motif, as a question - or perhaps we should say as an obsession - remains one of the fundamental materials of contemporary artistic practice.
Bringing together a number of authors and offering them the opportunity to work together on a common project.
The challenge of this book is to bring together several authors and offer them this single word - body - as a common denominator and possible trigger for writing. It's about uncovering the fruitfulness of an obsession, far from any academicism, far from any preoccupation with submitting to the rules of good writing the way artists deviate from those of good painting. It's all about finding the right words.
To confront the body is to confront oneself and the other, the boundaries between identity and otherness. There's a lot to lose here. It's a place where we can find ourselves, and offer those watching a world where we can become part of.
The exhibition is accompanied by an edition edited by Marcel Lubac and published by Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes.
Text by Éric Bonnet, Raphaël Gomérieux, Céline Leturcq, Marcel Lubac, Sylvie Nève,Charles Pennequin, Diana Quinby, Erik Verhagen, Pierre Wat