Conf Securite numerique 8 juin 2023
  • The institution

Digital security takes center stage

The second regional meeting of Security Defense Civil Servants and assimilated was held at the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France on Thursday June 8. The theme of the day was digital security.

Participants were welcomed by:

  • Abdelhak Kabila, Vice President Human Resources, Territorial and Campus Relations and UPHF referent for Defense and National Security courses, representing President Abdelhakim Artiba, 
  • Philippe Dulion, Director General of Services and Defense Security Officer at UPHF,
  • Florent Fareneau, Directeur du Numérique et Responsable de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information de l'UPHF,
  • Pierre-Marie Robert, Defense Security Officer at the University of Lille, who initiated this territorial network.

The watchword of the day was awareness-raising, with contributions from major players in terms of digital security:

  • For the DGSI, one of whose missions is to combat cyberthreats for purposes including the protection of scientific heritage and the preservation of academic freedom, Yves Tordoir recalled the risks and threats, drawing on striking data, for example in 2021, + 95% of cyberattacks by ransomware, + 85% of security breaches caused by human error, + 139% of email account hacking in 2021.
  • Hugo Longuespe, ANSSI's Hauts-de-France delegate, came to present the agency's main missions, noting that "The growing dependence on digital technology increases the attack surface (...) We need to be as prepared as possible to deal with the crisis that will arrive one day or another". Among the aids, information, awareness-raising and support tools created by ANSII (Software, guides, MOOCs,...) flesh out the regional scheme.
  • Born last April, the CSIRT Hauts-de-France, was presented by its director, Chekib Gharbi, and Jacques El-Ahmar. It is a cyber incident response center that diagnoses and provides a 1st-level response, free of charge, to SMEs, ETIs, local authorities and associations that are victims of a cyber incident. The center also plays a preventive and awareness-raising role.

The example of INP Toulouse, victim of a ransomware cyberattack in September 2022, was presented in a videoconference by its CISO Brigitte Cor, giving the community the benefit of her feedback.

A feedback was then given on the information systems security policy by Thomas Dupont, representing "Sambre Avesnois Immobilier" of Maubeuge.

If the risk is real, awareness of the subject is just as real among the participants. A light at the end of the tunnel, these digital security players are in a position to provide assistance to establishments, and communities are being built to cope.


Chekib Gharbi