Assemblée NOUS AUSSI 23-22-2023
  • Disability

9th Congress of the "Nous Aussi" association

The Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France hosted the 9th congress of Nous Aussi, a national association of self-advocates for people with intellectual disabilities, on Wednesday November 22.


An opportunity for Chairman Abdelhakim Artiba to reiterate the important place of inclusion and disability in the establishment's development strategy.

At the University, the number of disabled staff has, in fact, increased 10-fold in 10 years. Every year, people with disabilities are recruited. Similarly, the University has organized itself to welcome and support many students with disabilities. 2.6 million has been invested in the accessibility of our buildings. "Over the coming months, we will be working hand-in-hand with disabled people to go beyond mere regulations. We want to offer real accessibility to our campuses, accessibility that meets the needs of the people who use them", says the Chairman.


The University also offers training courses at bac+3 to 5 levels that prepare students for careers related to disability, and one of its laboratories, the LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, has a focus specifically dedicated to mobility and disability. We lead and participate in numerous research projects in this field. A case in point is SAMDI (Système d'Aide à la Mobilité des personnes avec Déficience Intellectuelle), which aims to improve mobility for people with intellectual disabilities.


This congress was on the theme of Looking. In conclusion, the president asserts: "I have no doubt that 'Les Regards' will change.  At the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, looks have already changed a great deal."

Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI
Assemblée NOUS AUSSI