L’UPHF accueille les partenaires du projet EFEU

UPHF welcomes EFEU project partners

To facilitate project development and exchange between universities, seminars are being organized by each of the project's partner universities. After an initial seminar at Helsinki's Metropolia University for Applied Sciences, UPHF welcomed the partners on November 16 and 17, 2023.

An initial launch seminar

To formalize the launch of the EFEU project, all the partners met in Helsinki on June 14 and 15 for the first working seminar.
This meeting, dedicated to the organization of the project, enabled participants to exchange views on the management of the project, design a tool and a common methodology for calculating the carbon footprint for each partner university, initiate the realization of a carbon footprint assessment and the implementation of a survey open to students and staff.
The seminar also provided an opportunity to discuss ways of raising awareness of sustainable development and green mobility. On this occasion, UPHF presented an educational tool used with the university community: the climate fresco.

A second seminar focusing on pedagogical innovations

During the second seminar organized at UPHF, the IUT and its Director Ms Isabelle Massa Turpin welcomed all the partners on November 16 and 17, 2023. During these two days, the partners were able to discuss their respective strategies for achieving carbon neutrality and validate the actions initiated in Helsinki. 

In this context, Mr. Hachimi Abba, in charge of UPHF's Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility Department (DDRS), presented UPHF-INSA HdF's strategy and policy for teaching and learning sustainable development skills. The program enabled further discussion of the project's challenges, including the promotion of existing pedagogical content aimed at encouraging innovative and environmentally-friendly teaching and learning activities (student projects, workshop projects, polytechnic modules). Colleagues from the IUT and INSA Hauts-de-France were able to present teaching content from polytechnic modules linked to decarbonation. Lecturer Loïc Lezzani presented his approach to environmental design and the ecological footprint at the heart of the mechanics degree offered by the IUT's Mechanics Department. Guillaume Dumont, a teacher at INSA Hauts-de-France, presented the "21st Century Engineer" course. Mr. Olivier Senechal, teacher-researcher at INSA Hauts-de-France, gave a presentation on the development of sustainability skills in systems analysis, maintenance, reliability, quality, health and safety.
The seminar provided an opportunity to compare this approach with that used in industry. Mr. Jean-Luc Franquelin, sustainable development expert at Renault Electricity in Douai, gave a presentation on the decarbonization process in the automotive industry, with a particular focus on energy infrastructure management and implementation timescales. A tour of the IUT's infrastructure and equipment enabled the partners to learn about UPHF's strategy for decarbonizing the Eisen building, with a reduction in energy consumption combined with the production of green energy using photovoltaic panels.
To conclude, Mr Bertrand Bridier, Économe de Flux at the DDRS cluster, presented a Serious Game on decarbonation to the academic community. The EFEU project partners appreciated the diversity of existing content for valorization within the Erasmus+ project.

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