Etudiants - Réinscription

Students - Re-registration

You are already a student at Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University.

You are moving on to the next year, you have been admitted to a selective program or you are repeating a year

Your administrative registration must be done online according to the:

Please note you are not affected by online registration if:

  • You are enjambment : send an email to (with message subject: "Enjambment registration file") to obtain a registration file. Specify in the subject line "enjambment file request"
  • You fall under the continuing education, please approach the formation secretariat

You may also wish to consult:

Pour répondre à vos éventuelles questions concernant l'inscription en ligne, utilisez notre agent conversationnel en bas à droite de cette page.

You want to change your course of study

For reorientation in the 1st year of a Bachelor's degree, DEUST, DUT, consult the procedure.

For any other redirection :

You applied for a course on our application and received a favorable review

You have not yet applied for a course on our application app

Check out the pre-registration procedures by course