2157 Résultats pour votre recherche
Interactions between Hybrid Vehicle Energy Management and Driving Pleasure
Published on 18/10/2023
Forge Adict
Contribution to Improving forgeability predictions of high-performance alloys by characterizing forging machine behavior and material formability
Published on 18/10/2023
Intelligent and Adaptive Supramolecular Materials: Impact of Reversible Bonds on Quasi-static and Dynamic Mechanical Performance
Published on 18/10/2023
Fracture characterization of ti/cmo bonded interfaces under dynamic and multiaxial loading
Published on 18/10/2023
Modelling mobility flows and choosing transport modes
2nd session of seminar series No. 3 on research models and methods in economics
Mobility flow modeling and mode choice
Pr Moez Kilani (Université du Littoral)
Published on 18/10/2023
Modelling mobility flows and choosing transport modes
Published on 18/10/2023
CERAMATHS - DMATHS seminar: presentation by Delphine Bresch-Pietri
The CERAMATHS mathematics department seminar will host Delphine Bresch-Pietri (École des Mines de Paris, Thursday, October 26, 2023
Published on 18/10/2023