259 Résultats pour votre recherche
Research laboratories
Published on 20/03/2022
Convex expressions for the design of nonlinear controllers and observers" seminar
As part of the scientific activities of the LAMIH's automatique department, a seminar will be held by Victor Estrada Manzo, associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Pachuca, Mexico.
It will take place on October 11 from 2 to 3 pm in amphitheatre E8 of the Claudin le Jeune 2 building.
Published on 10/10/2023
The SHERPA (Simulateur Hybride d'Etude et de Recherche Pour l'Automobile) driving simulator is used primarily for research projects involving the development and prototyping of cooperative driver assistance systems.
Published on 01/04/2022
Seminar "The axisymmetric turbulent wake: analysis and control by experiment and simulation".
As part of the scientific animation of the mechanics department of the LAMIH, a seminar will be held by Jonathan Morrison, Professor at Imperial College (Department of Aeronautics)
Published on 01/06/2023
Mourad ABED
Type of portrait Vice-Président délégué au numérique, à l’innovation pédagogique et à la stratégie de projets
Published on 17/02/2022
Seminar "The challenges of teaching computer science - reflections based on personal experience".
As part of the scientific leadership of the LAMIH computer science department, a seminar will be held by Professor Walid Nejjar (department chairman CS 2018-2023 UCR).
It will take place on Friday October 13 from 10:30 to 11:30 am at Amphi IEMN.
Published on 16/10/2023
Clean Transportation" Workshop
The LAMIH is organizing a workshop entitled "Clean Transportation" as part of the interreg ISHY project in which it is a partner.
This event will take place online on March 16, 2023 at 9:00 am.
This event will be an opportunity to exchange on the themes of reducing CO2 emissions in transport, especially maritime and river.
Presentations will focus on Hydrogen bi-fueling in combustion engines, control and sizing of hybrid powertrains.
Registration is free but required. Please return the attached registration form to @email
Published on 01/03/2023
Restitution of the CPER CE2I project
The CPER CE2I (Intelligent Integrated Energy Converter) project, a multi-partner project, aims to develop "new electrical energy converters to serve the Energy Transition" for the 21st century engine.
Published on 18/11/2022
Published on 01/04/2022