PhD Thesis - Fluid Mechanics
Baptiste PLUMEJEAU: "Characterization and active control of the aerodynamic drag of a thick body for different ground clearance heights: application to automotive transportation" (19/11/2020 - UPHF - Valenciennes)
Samer ALI: "Innovative concept of multifunctional exchanger/reactor by passive dynamic control by flexible vorticity generators" (01/12/2015 - Industrial Energetics Department of Mines Douai)
David UYSTEPRUYST: "Numerical simulation of the tunnel entry of a high-speed train" (08/12/10 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Claudin Lejeune Building)
Raymond SONAN OCHO: "Modeling the transient thermal behavior of a heat pipe: application to the cooling of starter-alternator electronics" (05/02/2009 at 9:30 am - UVHC - Amphi IEMN-DOAE)
EL HASSAN: "Analysis and control of turbulent flow outcropping a deep cavity" (10/07/08 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E8)
Etienne LORRIAUX: "Study of metaheuristic methods applied to railway aerodynamic optimization" (19/12/07 at 1:30 PM - UVHC - ISTV2 Amphi 70E)
Mouloud HADDAD : " Blowing effects on coherent structures in a two-dimensional channel " ( 10/24/06 at 11:30 am - IEMN - DOAE - Amphi B215 )
Segir-Ouali SOUHIL : " Convective exchanges inside a rotating cylinder subjected to an axial air flow: application to the thermal study of a naval propulsion engine " ( IEMN - DOAE - Amphi B215 )
Estelle MICHAUD : " Modeling the evolution of the thermal field in long interconnected railway tunnels - Application to the Channel Tunnel " ( 3/12/2003 at 2:00 PM - Amphi E1 ENSIAME )
Didier SAURY: "Experimental study of flash evaporation of a water film" ( 3/10/2003 at 10:00 am - Amphi E3 - ENSIAME )
Belas AZZEDDINE : "Study and optimization of aerodynamic shapes of cars of different dimensions" (20/12/2002 at 10:30 am - ISTV Abel de Pujol)
Frédéric WAYMEL: "Modeling of thermal and aeraulic effects in metro stations" (12/09/2002 at 10:30 am - Ensiame amphi E7)
Berkah TAMTOMO: "Study of parietal friction and mass transfer on a winged cylinder rotating perpendicular to a flow (6/29/2002 - Bandung Institute of Technology)
Boualem LAGRAA: "Interaction between large-scale motions and parietal structures in a turbulent boundary layer" (5/17/2002 at 2:30 PM - Ensimev amphi E8)

Doing a thesis

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