PhD Thesis - Energetic Mechanics
Sofia KORNILIOU: "Boiling in microchannels: influence of aspect ratio on local heat transfer" (12/01/2018 - University of Edinburgh - Scotland)
Sébastien CLAISSE: "Study of a glass process: predictive analysis of thermo-mechanical performance" (Closed defense, confidential thesis - 28/04/2015 at 2pm - Ecole des Mines de Douai, DEI)
Hadrien BAUDUIN : "Experimental contribution to the study of internal flows with swirl" (13/06/2014 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - Amphitheater IEMN DOAE)
Aurélien DOLAY :"Development and characterization of metal-core piezoelectric fibers for aeronautical applications" (17/12/2013 at 2pm - ONERA, Lille) - consult thesis online
Damien BARBIER: "Study of the sensitivity to thermal gradients of billets during a reheating phase" (09/12/13 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - Amphi Bâtiment CISIT) - consult the thesis online
Romain BALIEU: "Coupled viscoelastic-viscoplastic model with damage for semi-crystalline polymeric materials." (03/12/2012 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - Amphi IEMN/DOAE) - consult thesis online
Evangelos BACHAROUDIS: "Experimental and theoretical study of the onset of atomization of horizontal sheared liquid films in the presence of an abrupt change of geometry: application to windshield wipers." (28/11/2012 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - Amphi IEMN/DOAE) - consult thesis online
Matthieu BOUDRIAUX: "Functionalization of silicon nitride surfaces from polysiloxane sol-gel" (June 29, 2011 at 10:30 am - UVHC - Lottman Building)
Benjamin LATOUR : "Experimental study of local convective exchanges around a rotating winged shaft subjected to a transverse airflow" (07/12/10 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Amphi IEMN-DOAE)
Chloé NÜRNBERGER-GENIN : "Experimental study of the flow and thermal loads in a dual bell nozzle" (01/02/2010 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphitheater E3)
Stéphane ROUDNITZKY: "Study and validation of a thermal solution to reduce the cold overconsumption of an automotive thermal engine: crankcase with internal insulation equipped with variable conductance heat pipes" (14/01/2010 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME -Amphi E1)
Alban Fabrice EPEE : "Characterization and modeling of the behavior of a semi-crystalline polymer under crash"(11/26/09 at 9:30 am - UVHC - Amphi IEMN-DOAE)
Yannick MULLER: "Fluid-structure interaction by thermo-mechanical coupling in the secondary air system of turbojet engines. Contribution to an integrated design method / Coupled thermo-mechanical fluid-structure interaction in the secondary air system of aircraft engines. Contribution to an integrated design method." (30/09/09 - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Lat Grand NDIAYE: "Modeling combustion in waste incineration furnaces" (06/07/09 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E1)
Yohann TORRES: "Energy transfers in curved cooling channels of rocket engines" (09/10/08 at 2:00 PM - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Ali GRINE: "Theoretical and experimental study of forced convection on flat plate in transient regime" (11/26/07 at 10:30 am - UVHC - LME - Amphi E2 ENSIAME)
Julien HERPE: "Characterization of exchange surface performances based on numerical evaluation of entropy production rate: application to automotive heat exchangers" (10/23/07 at 10:00 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E7)
Gonikodé KAHISSIM: "Experimental study of the flow around a cylinder rotating perpendicular to the mean flow" (07/12/06 at 10:30 am - ENSIAME - Amphi E7)
Mohamed SI YOUCEF: "Sustainable management of the environment in Algeria " (06/23/06 at 10:00 am - ISTV1 - Amphi 300)
Véronique DUBOIS : "Detailed study of vortex structures developed on the upper surface of simple, complex slender bodies and bodies of revolution " (16/12/05 at 10am - ISTV1 - Amphi 300)
Sébastien HUART: "New approaches to coating degradation - application to skin-pass of galvanized sheets" (9/22/05 at 10:30 am - ENSIAME -Amphi E2)
Francisco CADAVID: "Numerical simulation of no emissions reduction in a 4 mW pilot furnace and a 609 mW tangential boiler with pulverized coal" (12/16/04 at 11:00 am - ENSIAME -Amphi E3)

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