Doctoral Theses - Mechanical Engineering
Mohamed Sadok RIDENE: "Crash modeling of high voltage cable connectors in electric vehicles" (11/01/2022 - Valenciennes)
Robin GUIBERT: "Stitching of 3D Elementary Topographies for Roughness Multiscale Analysis: Development, Optimization and Applications" (10/11/2021 - LAMIH - CISIT)
Julie LEMESLE: "Multi-scale analysis and modeling of rock crusher wear morphology" (10/25/2021 - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT Building)
Jean-Emile POTAUFEUX: "Advances in Ionic Polymeric Materials and Related Interaction Mechanisms Insights" (06/04/2021 - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus - Valenciennes)
Bruce INDURAIN Y URRICELQUI: "Numerical and experimental study of innovative solutions to mitigate fouling rate in steamcracking" (18/03/2021 - UPHF > attend the videoconference)
Anna MIRONOVA: "Digital Cultural Heritage Preservation in Art Painting: A Surface Roughness Approach to the Brush Strokes" (25/02/2021 - UPHF - Valenciennes)
Ivan SEREBRIAKOV: "High Temperature Tribology. Experimental and numerical analysis of interfacial behavior integrating the influence of thermomechanical contact conditions / Tribology at high temperature: experimental and numerical analysis of interfacial behavior taking into account the influence of thermomechanical contact conditions" (12/02/2021 - UPHF - Valenciennes)
Oussama FILALI: "Multi-physics approach of the frictional contact in large plastic deformation: numerical prediction of the seizure of aluminum alloys in cold forming" (15/12/2020 - UPHF - CISIT Building)
Vincent DORLEANS: "Characterization and modeling of the behavior and fracture of thermoplastics for a wide range of strain rate and temperature" (12/15/20 - UPHF - Valenciennes)
Noëlig DAGORN: "Experimental characterization of bonded interface failure under multiaxial dynamic loading" (11/26/20 - ONERA, Lille center)
Ibrahim ZAAROURA: "Heat and mass transfer improvement using self-rewetting nanofluids" (25/11/2020 - UPHF - Valenciennes)
Lamia GAIED: "Influence of wall surface roughness on the hydrodynamic instabilities of a Couette-Taylor and Couette-Taylor-Poiseuille flow" (09/07/2020 - UPHF Valenciennes)
Camille BATAILLE: "Multiscale topography and evolving leakage of a sliding contact: Experimental approach and simulation" (06/03/2020 - University of Valenciennes - CISIT Building)
Célestin OTT: "Dynamic characterization of fluidic actuators and experimental identification of induced jet-boundary layer interaction dynamic mechanisms" (27/01/2020 at 2pm - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN/DOAE Amphitheater)
Gorka VIDAL IRUSTA: "Characterization of CBN grinding wheel wear and modeling of its effect on the certification of aeronautical parts NGC" (28/01/2020 - University of the Basque Country - Bilbao - Spain)
Xavier ROOTHAER: "Multiscale approach to the mechanical behavior of load-bearing and non-load-bearing bones: Towards a customization of human EF numerical models" (27/11/2019 - UPHF - Campus Mont Houy - CISIT)
Charlène OCTAU: "Contribution to the study of particle generation during braking and their transport dynamics - Application to railway braking" (15/11/2019 at 10:00 am in camera - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus - LAMIH - CISIT Building)
Charles GARABEDIAN: "Influence of surface texturing on biocompatibility of breast implants. Upstream and clinical approaches" (25/10/2019 - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France)
Pascal BOUDA: "Virtual Field Method for characterizing the dynamic behavior of metallic materials under pure inertial loading" (11/03/2019 - ONERA Lille)
Fateh MAMERI : "Multi-physics and multi-scale characterization of an energy conversion plant: application to a biomass cogeneration unit" (14/12/2018 - Valenciennes)
Andrès MALO ESTEPA: "Taking into account the variability of the suspension characteristics of a bogie for the optimization of maintenance operations" (18/12/2018 at 10:00 am - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Amphithéâtre du bâtiment CISIT)
Camila CHOVET: "Turbulent flow manipulation using sliding mode and machine learning control: From the flow over a backward-facing step to a real-world car." (06/07/2018 - Valenciennes)
Kossiga AGBOKA : "Development of an axisymmetric thermomechanical model in a semi-transparent medium with radiative transfer: application to creep and quenching of glasses" (26/06/2018 - Valenciennes)
Van Tu DOAN: "Reduced model for parametric analyses of structural buckling - Application to additive manufacturing" (06/07/2018 at 2:00 PM - UVHC - CISIT Building)
Anthony GRAZIANI: "Characterization and control of pressure fluctuations downstream of a rising step application to rail freight transport" (22/03/2018 - University of Valenciennes)
Alexandre HIRICOIU: "Contribution to the experimental and numerical analysis for the elaboration of energy absorbers obtained by additive manufacturing processes" (20/03/2018 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - CISIT)
Pin CHEN: "Improving drop evaporation using nanoparticles and alcohols" (14/02/2018 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN/DOAE Amphitheater)
Denis CORNU: "Characterization of cavity flows with asymmetric edges: application to railway roofing equipment" (15/02/2018 afternoon in closed session - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - Amphi IEMN DOAE)
Maryam PARSA: "Wetting and Evaporation of Nanosuspension Droplets" (11/12/2017 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT Building Amphitheater)
Jeremy WOUTS: "Study and modeling of the behavior of wood in compression under impact loading" (05/09/2017 at HUIS-CLOS - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus)
Rim CHTOUROU: "Mechanical strength of multi-layered spot-welded joints in multi-grade steels: experimental study, macroscopic modeling and identification procedure" (05/15/2017 at 9:30 am - UVHC Mont Houy Campus - Amphitheater of CISIT building)
Mariem NCIRI: "Modeling the behavior of non-aligned short fiber composites in dynamics" (11/05/2017 at 3:30 pm - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - Amphitheater of CISIT building)
Waseem ARIF: "Numerical modeling of laser-welded assembly of car seat frames under dynamic loads." (10/04/2017 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus)
Maxime BALLIGAND: "Heat and mass transfers by jet impact, applications to the cooling of electrical machines" (03/04/2017 afternoon in camera - UVHC - Mont Houy campus)
Frédéric ROBACHE: "Evaluation on driving simulator of human behavior in pre-crash situation. Application to the improvement of airbags" (16/03/2017 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT Building)
Ludovic DUFOUR: "Characterization and modeling of multi-material structural bonding under dynamic loading" (09/03/2017 - University of Valenciennes - CISIT Building Amphitheater)
Amina LAOUIRA: "Multi-physics modeling of the trabecular bone-moel environment by fluid-structure interaction techniques based on the coupling of Lattice-Boltzmann and SPH particle methods" (07/02/2017 at 2:00 PM - University of Valenciennes)
Fahd BOUKROUCHE: "Heat transfer modeling of cables in galleries" (17/02/2017 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Mont Houy campus - IEMN Amphitheater)
Ahmed KAFFEL: "Analysis of flow structures and instabilities developed by an air curtain sheared laterally by an external current: application to the case of sales refrigeration cabinets" (16/02/2017 at 2pm - IRSTEA - Antony)
Kévin LE MERCIER: "Numerical and experimental strategy for the control of tooling degradation in cold forming" (08/02/2017 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - CISIT Building - LAMIH Amphitheater)
Bérénice PECILE: "Dynamic model of vehicle-railway interaction in the presence of geometric defects on contacting surfaces" (31/01/2017 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus)
Julie CHALON: "Material-process couplings for copper alloys in rail transportation" (16/12/2016 - UVHC - Building CISIT)
Caroline CHEVALIER: "Characterization of the longitudinal mechanical behavior of a para-aramid wire under dynamic loading" (13/12/2016 at 1:30 PM UVHC - CISIT Building)
Benoit FONTENIER: "Contribution to the biofidelic modeling of the human being by taking into account fluid-structure interactions" (01/12/2016 at 1:30 PM - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT Building)
Amani BOUZOUITA : "Elaboration of Polylactide-based materials for automotive application: Study of structure-process-properties interactions" (12/10/2016 at 9:30 am - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - CISIT Building)
Julien CARRIER : "Experimental and numerical characterization at different scales of the mechanical impact strength of MAG welded assemblies" (15/06/2016 in closed session - UVHC - Valenciennes)
Sylvain TREUTENAERE: "Modeling the Behavior of Textile Preform Laminated Composites with Delamination Prediction for Impact Simulations" (01/02/2016 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT Amphitheatre)
Hai Quan DO: "Reduced Models and Uncertainty Propagation for Frictional Contact and Vibrational Instability Problems" (11/12/2015 at 2:00 PM - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - Amphitheater CISIT building)
Yannick SENECAUT: "Towards an objective control of frictional contact conditions in High Speed Machining: integration of tribological phenomena and metallurgical behavior" (02/12/2015 at 9:30 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - Amphitheater CISIT building)
Rogelio CHOVET: "Experimental and Numerical Characterization of the Rheological Behavior of a Complex Fluid: Application to a Foam Flow in a Straight Horizontal Channel with and without Singularities." (17/07/2015 - Valenciennes)
Régis BRY: "Contribution to the study of the variability of the mechanical properties of the diaphyseal cortical bone of a load-bearing (femur) and non-load-bearing (humerus)" (15/07/2015 - Lille)
Claire HENNUYER: "Finite super-element of riveted sheets for structural calculation" ( 24/06/15 at 10am - Onera Lille, 5 bd Paul Painlevé, 59045 LILLE Cedex, Salle Kampé de Fériet)
Camille DURAND : "Experimental and numerical thermomechanical study of a power electronics module subjected to active power cycles" (23/01/2015 at 10:30 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT)
Tat Thang PHAM: "Surface damage of aluminum alloys in cold forming" (22/01/2015 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT)
Ephraïm TOUBIANA: "Modeling and analysis of transfers in staggered-pitch plate and fin exchangers: intensification by geometric optimization and vorticity generation" (20/01/2015 - Ecole des Mines de Douai)
Florian VANDENBULCKE: "Characterization and multiscale modeling of the mechanical behavior at fracture of the scapular limb under dynamic stresses" (16/01/2015 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus)
Vincent JOUDON: "Experimental characterization of crack initiation and propagation in an epoxy resin under dynamic loading" (15/12/2014 - Centre Onera, 5 boulevard Paul Painlevé 59045 Lille)
Nicolas LANCIAL: "Effects of rotation on flow and heat transfer dynamics in large rotating electrical machines" (11/28/2014 at 10:00 AM - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN-DOAE Amphitheater)
Julie Anne ZAMBAUX : "Influence of successive alternating wall deformations on the increase of exchange performance of a tube: Application to multifunctional exchangers" (28/11/2014 at 10:00 am - Ecole des Mines de Douai)
Marie CREYX: "Theoretical and experimental study of a biomass micro-cogeneration unit with Ericsson engine" (14/11/2014 at 10:30 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - Amphi IEMN/DOAE)
Fawzi FADLA: "Experimental characterization of the dynamics of boundary layer detachment induced by an adverse pressure gradient and a curvature effect" (05/09/2014 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN DOAE)
Saad ZOUITENE: "Study of the cooling of auxiliary power converters in trains by natural convection, liquid film and heat pipe" (06/06/2014 at 11:00 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN/DOAE Amphitheater)
Thanh Ha TRAN: "Design methodology of cooling system for automotive electric energy storage" (13/03/2014 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Amphi IEMN-DOAE)
Rami TOUNSI: "Behavior of honeycomb structures under mixed compression/shear dynamic loading and effect of cell orientation" (11/03/2014 - UVHC - CISIT Building)
Tanguy DAVIN: "Electric motor cooling: Exploration of lubricating oil solutions" (28/01/2014 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN/DOAE Amphitheater)
Emilie CALMELS : "Initiation of sticking phenomenon in hot rolling of ferritic stainless steels." (20/12/2013 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - TEMPO Laboratory) - consult the thesis online
Olivier MAYEUR: "Geometric personalization and multiscale mechanics of the human thorax" (13/12/2013 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT Amphi)
Olivier COUSIGNE : "Contribution to the development of numerical simulation of woven reinforcement composite materials for crash application." (11/29/2013 at 9am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - ENSIAME)
Carole LUET: "Characterization of submarining in vehicle occupants in frontal impact" (09/27/2013 at 2pm - Paris - ENSAM) - consult thesis online
Manel WANNASSI: "Study of heat transfers by jet arrays for glass tempering" (16/07/2013 at 10:30 am - UVHC - IEMN-DOAE Amphitheater) - consult thesis online
Coralie THORAVAL: "Mechanical and statistical contributions to the design and development of sports personal protective equipment: biomechanical tests and numerical models" (11/07/2013 at 10:30 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT)
Thomas VANNESTE: "Development of an aeroelastic modeling tool of insect flapping flight applied to the design of a resonant nano-drone" (04/07/2013 at Onera Lille) - consult the thesis online
Pierre Olivier JANDAUD : "Aerothermal study and optimization of an alterna-starter" (14/06/2013 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - Amphi IEMN) - consult the thesis online
Van Nhu TRAN: "Improving driving comfort via powertrain control" (07/06/2013 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - ISTV2 - Amphi 175E) - consult thesis online
Benjamin PROVOST : "Development of an interlock woven reinforcement composite solution for military vehicle armor." (14/01/2013 - ENSAIT - Roubaix) - consult the thesis online
Nabil TOUNSI : "Experimental contribution to the flow control of a thick body by synthetic jets: application to automotive aerodynamics" (20/12/2012 at 2:00 PM - Algiers - Ecole Militaire Polytechnique) - consult the thesis online
Olivier CAZIER: "Dynamic instabilities of rubbing systems in the presence of parametric variabilities - Application to the phenomenon of squealing" (18/120/2012 at 2pm - UVHC - Amphi IEMN-DOAE) - consult thesis online
Arnaud HEUSSAFF: "Influence of automotive brake pad variability on squeal instabilities" (12/14/2012 at 2:00 PM - UVHC - Amphi IEMN-DOAE) - consult thesis online
Marie DE SAXCE: "Methodology for the assessment of environmental impacts of textiles by Life Cycle Assessment" (04/12/2012 - ENSAIT - Roubaix - Amphi A) - consult the thesis online
Sébastien MAVEL: "Development of a pre-dimensioning tool for sandwich structures subjected to intermediate velocity impacts" (04/10/2012 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - room DOAE) - consult the thesis online
Bruno FURIERI: "Wind erosion of granular material storage piles on industrial sites: improvement of emission quantification methods" (01/10/2012 - Centre de Recherche des Mines Douai) - consult thesis online
Augusto BORNSCHLEGELL: "Aerothermal optimization of a slow synchronous machine" (18/09/2012 at 10:30 a.m. - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus) - consult the thesis online
Jules Voguelin SIMO TALA: "Analysis of vortex structures and heat transfer mechanisms in multi-row finned tube heat exchangers: Improvement and optimization of thermoaerulic performances" (27/03/2012 at 2:00 PM - Ecole des Mines de Douai) - consult the thesis online
Sébastien MENANTEAU : "Temperature fluctuations downstream of an orthogonal junction of turbulent flows of different temperatures"(20/03/2012 at 3:30 PM- Ecole des Mines de Douai - Centre de Recherche - Salle Somme (bat. central) - Boulevard Lahure - 59508 Douai) - consult the thesis online
Marie LEFEBVRE: "Ballistic impact resistance of composite materials with woven Interlocks reinforcements. Application to vehicle armor" (07/12/2011 at 10:00 am - Amphi d'honneur of ENSAIT of Roubaix)
Delphine NOTTA-CUVIER : "Virtual Fields method for the characterization of viscoplastic and damage behaviors, from measurements of heterogeneous mechanical fields." (22/11/2011 at 10:30 am - ONERA Center of Lille - Kampé de Fériet room)
Grégoire FOURRIÉ: "Unsteady parietal characterization and flow control around a thick body" (18/11/2011 at 2:30 PM - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E3)
François TOURON : "Study of a water film sheared by a turbulent air flow in the wake of a 2D obstacle - Application to windshield wipers" (18/11/2011 at 10:00 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E3)
Gaëlle COLLEMICHE : "Effects of rapid austenitization in the simulation of laser welding" (23/09/2011 at 10am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Damien MERESSE : "Thermomechanical approach to high speed tribology - Application to braking" (01/06/2011 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E3)
Eric QUETEL : "Modeling and simulation of lubricated contacts in multi-body systems" (27/01/2011 at 11:30 am - ENSIAME - Amphi E3)
Benjamin HERRY : "Aerodynamic study of a double 3D descending step applied to the securing of helicopter landing on frigates" (20/12/10 at 10am - Lille - ONERA -Salle Kampé de Fériet)
Lucas DURIX : "Design of a new experimental protocol for the characterization of the delamination of thermoset polymers under thermal loading in mixed mode." (20/12/10 at 11:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Gwladys BENISTANT: "Antibacterial functionalization of textile filtering structures in nonwovens" (16/12/10 at 10:15 am - ENSAIT - Roubaix)
Marius BORRAS: "Reliability of lead-free soldering subjected to vibrations" (11/24/10 at 11:30 am - UVHC)
Tudor FLOREA : "Numerical simulation of wood combustion in a 400 kW automatic boiler" (29/09/10 at 1pm - Ecoles des Mines de Douai - Site Lahure - Bâtiment Fenzy)
Cédric HUBERT : "Modeling strategy of the shearing-rolling sequence in cold forming of steels" (17/09/10 at 10am - UVHC - Amphi DOAE)
Thomas LE BRIS : "Study of pulverized coal and biomass combustion on a low NOx swirl burner" (23/09/10 at 1:30 PM - Ecole des Mines de Douai - Martine Bliez Room - Fenzy Building)
David MORIN : "Characterization of the dynamic behavior of glued structures at crash" (10/09/10 at 9:45 am - UVHC - Amphi DOAE)
Pascal POTIER : "Methodological contribution to Thanatomécanique and Thanatométrologie" (04/06/10 at 2:30 pm - UVHC - IEMN)
Catherine TURPIN : "Improvement of models for quantifying diffuse particulate emissions related to wind erosion of granular material storage piles on industrial sites"(15/03/10 at 2:00 pm - UVHC - IEMN-DOAE Amphi)
Samuel BLANCHARD: "Characterization of nonlinear material behavior from statically indeterminate tests and highly heterogeneous deformation fields." (17/12/09 at 10am - Lille - ONERA)
Florence MICHEL: "Numerical calculation in transient regime of the temperatures of electronic components of automotive vehicles" (16/09/09 at 10am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Estelle DAOUBEN: "Understanding the surface damage mechanisms of hot forging tools: effects of lubricants" (10/07/09 at 9:30 am - UVHC -ENSIAME - Amphi E3)
Anastasia BELOTSERKOVETS: "Towards a prediction of the roughness profile at mesoscopic scale during the cold rolling operation" (09/07/09 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E3)
Julien BROCAIL: "Experimental and numerical analysis of the contact at the tool-chip interface during high speed machining of metals"(19/06/09 at 10:00 am - UVHC - IEMN - Amphi DOAE)
Mickael HETIER: "Analysis and quantification of car drivers' behaviors during a pre-crash phase: Contribution to the development of a real-time driving posture detection model" (29/01/09 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E1)
Kévin LOUAISIL: "Cold rolling of steels: Analysis of lubrication mechanisms and their impacts on wear and friction" (17/12/08 at 10:30 am - UVHC - Amphitheater IEMN-DOAE)
Grégory HABOUSSA: "Contribution to the validation of numerical methods for coupled fluid-structure dynamic problems" (08/02/08 at 10:00 am - ONERA - Salle Kampé de Fériet - 5 boulevard Paul Painlevé - Lille)
Olivier PENIGUET: "Contribution to the characterization of low ductility metal alloys after remelting and in situ solidification" (22/01/08 at 10am - UVHC - ISTV - Amphi 100E)
Rémi DELILLE: "Contribution to the understanding of the mechanical behavior of human skull bone under different means of preservation and solicitation" (20/12/07 at 2:30 PM - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E8)
Hamid ZIDOUH: "Experimental study of unsteady parietal friction" (20/12/07 at 10:00 am - ENSIAME - Amphi E8)
Emmanuel H.J. LAMOUROUX : "Detailed modeling of spot and laser welds to simulate the failure of automotive assemblies" (18/12/07 at 1pm - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Julien RICHERT: "Contribution to the development and optimization of adaptive restraint systems for the improvement of passive safety in the automotive field" (20/12/07 - UVHC)
Pierre MAHELLE: "Experimental and numerical characterization of the behavior of welded assemblies subjected to quasi-static and dynamic loads" (07/12/07 at 10:00 am - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 70E)
Audrey DUBRULLE HAULT: "Contribution to the improvement of the knowledge of the fluid/structure interaction phenomena inside the cranium box subjected to dynamic solicitation: experimental and numerical studies " (06/07/07 at 2:00 PM - UVHC)
Eddy SZCZUREK: "New approach in the analysis of the pre-painting string defect" (11/05/07 at 10am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E1)
Samuel BOUDART: " Controlling the robustness of dynamic systems with respect to imprecise parameters. Application to the optimization of powertrain suspensions in the pre-project phase " (29/01/07 at 2pm - UVHC - Amphi ISIV)
Thérèse BADR: " Quantification of diffuse air emissions produced by wind erosion "(24/01/07 - Amphi E70 - ISTV2 - UVHC)
Sébastien GREGOIRE: "Identification of the heat transfer coefficient at the glass/forming tool interface and consideration in Finite Element modeling of glass forming processes" (21/12/06 at 3pm - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E7)
Samir TABLOUL: " Convective transfer enhancement in a turbulent boundary layer perturbed by an obstacle detached from the wall. " (19/12/06 at 10am - University of Valenciennes - ENSIAME - AMPHI E2)
POSTEC Manual: " Dynamics of the ruin of composite assemblies by riveted connections at crash and impact - Experimental and numerical simulations for the study and development of behavior and failure models by matting of connections." (12/18/06 at 1:30 PM - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Julien PELLE : " Experimental study of convective exchanges on the rotor of a discoid machine - influence of an impacting jet " (05/12/2006 at 10:30 am - ENSIAME - Amphi E7)
Nicolas DEPOORTER : " Development of simulation methods for the analysis of the damage behavior of epoxy resins " (06/12/2005 at 9:30 am - ENSIAME - Amphi E3)
Eric ROMERO : " C.F.D. and finite element models for thermal quenching of flat glass: estimation of radioactive and convective exchanges, prediction and control of residual stresses " (11/18/2005 at 10:00 am - UVHC - ENSIAME)
Mohamed MOUSSAOUI: " Optimization of bias correction in multistage PIC receiver for CDMA system " (14/11/2005 at 2pm - ISTV - Amphi DOAE)
Franck MASSA: "Imperfection management in the design phase of mechanical structures" (10/11/2005 - Amphi ISIV)
Thibault RENAUX: "Characterization of aluminum alloys after in situ remelting - Application to welding" (20/09/2005 - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Anne-Sophie BAYART: "Multiscale modeling of an aeronautical riveted assembly - towards a structural embrittlement model" (08/09/2005 at 10:00 am - ONERA - Lille)
Florence CARTIGNIES: "Thermal study of a railway brake cooled by liquid circulation" (17/12/2004 at 10:30 am - ENSIAME - Amphi E8)
François LEBLANC: "Contribution to a methodology for the analysis of fracture phenomena of coated components" (21/12/2004 at 9:30 am - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Amel BABAY DHOUIB: "Contribution to the modeling of the influence of cotton fiber characteristics and process parameters on the properties of conventional and flamed yarns" (12/14/2004 at 10:30 am - ENSIAME - Room E3)
Charles-André LEMARIE: "Study of the cooling and positioning of roof-mounted railway equipment" (09/07/2004 at 2:00 PM - ENSIAME - Amphi E7)
Paramasiven RUNGEN: "Enrichment of physical and numerical models of the head in order to better represent the cerebral kinematics during a shock" (01/07/2004 at 2:00 PM - ENSIAME)
David DUBOIS: "Prevention and prediction of wrinkling phenomena in automotive seatbelt straps" (04/06/2004 at 2:00 PM - ENSIAME - Amphi E7)
Isabelle DESCAMPS: "Wind erosion of a bed of particles with a wide granulometric spectrum" (03/19/2004 at 10am - Amphi E3 ENSIAME)
Gérald PORTEMONT : "Contribution to the development of numerical methods for the treatment of hard body/soft body interactions - Application to crashes, collisions or shocks" (23/01/2004 at 14h - ONERA Lille)
Grégory HAUGOU: "Means of testing and characterization of material behavior laws in medium speed dynamics" (10/12/2003 at 2:30 PM - UVHC)
François DEBROUCKE : Contribution to the control of tilting in Cartesian machines; application to machines dedicated to high speed machining. (12/11/2003 at 2:30 PM - Amphi E8 -bâtiment Claudin Lejeune - ENSIAME)
Hervé BARTYS: "Application of superalloys to railway brake discs" (17/01/2003 at 10:00 am - ISTV2 amphi 100E)
Norbert MORGADO: "Hot drawing of 6060 aluminum: new methodology for identifying tribological behavior" (10/07/03 at 10am - ENSIAME, amphi E7)
Frédéric VERNIEST: "Formalization of Surgical Acts of Scoliosis Spinal Correction: Application to their Mechanical Modeling by Multibody Approach" (10/01/2003 - UVHC)
Lionel WINIAR: "Contribution to the study of the defectiveness associated with the solidification of steels" (16/012003 at 3pm - ENSIAME, amphi E1)
Christophe DELILLE: "Contribution to the identification of material laws of human skull bone in quasi-static from experiments and numerical simulations" (19/12/2002 at 1:30 PM - ISTV amphi 200S))
Antimbe DJIGUIBA: "Segmentation and Smoothing of Measured Data for Surface Reconstitution in CAD : Contribution of Subdivision Techniques" (12/18/2002 at 10am - Ensiame amphi E2)
Jean-Pierre CARIDI: "Characterization of friction parameters at the origin of vibroacoustic phenomena. Application to the squealing noises of braking systems" (06/12/2002 at 10:00 am - Ensiame amphi E70)
Jérôme TOURREUIL: "Study of the thermal performance of a compact heat exchanger equipped with vortex promoters - Development of local measurement techniques" (04/12/2002 at 10:30 am - Ensiame)
Laurent CEBULSKI: "Experimental and numerical characterization of the mechanical strength of blind rivet assemblies. Application to Guided Transport Vehicles" (20/06/2002 at 10am - Ensimev amphi E7)
Patrick CROIX: "Damage and failure of anisotropic metals for vehicle dynamics and crash" (03/15/2002 at 2pm - Ensimev amphi E7

Doing a thesis

Thesis topics