Doctoral Theses - Mathematics
Haidar BADAWI: "Stability results for some hyperbolic systems with direct or indirect local damping" (24/01/2022 - Valenciennes)
Mohammed TAOUS: "Contribution to the study of capitulation and the class group of a number body" (10/09/2021 at 10:00 am - Distance learning)
Alaa HAYEK: "Stabilization of some coupled systems involving (thermo-) viscoelastic/elastic transmission problems or telegraphic equations in bounded domains or on networks" (01/02/2021 - Lebanese University, Lebanon)
Tonia-Maria ALAM: "Some optimal control problems of partial differential equations and applications to the selective laser melting (SLM) process" (12/15/2020 -UPHF)
Antonio J. FERNANDEZ SANCHEZ: "Existence and multiplicity of solutions for elliptic problems with critical growth in the gradient" (04/09/2019 - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Campus Mont Houy - ISTV 2)
Jérome TOMEZYK : "Numerical solution of some Helmholtz type problems with impedance edge conditions or absorbing layers (PML)" (02/07/19 - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - ISTV2 - Amphi 70E)
Hawraa NABOLSI: "Optimal Control of Evolution Equations and its Applications" (17/07/2018 - Valenciennes)
Fatiha BEKKOUCHE : "Theoretical and numerical study of Sobolev nonlinear equations" (22/06/2018 - Valenciennes)
Cindy GONZALEZ: "Pythagorean Hodograph Trigonometric Algebraic curves for solving two- and three-dimensional interpolation problems and their use to visualize dental information in 3D tomographic volumes" (25/01/2018 - University of Valenciennes)
Thibault DEFOURNEAU: "Linearization of algebraic structures using operads and polynomial functors" (25/08/2017 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - ISTV2)
Marilena MORUZ : "Study of subvarieties in Kählerian, almost Kählerian and product varieties" (03/04/2017 - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 175E)
Mahamad Ali SAMMOURY: "Theoretical and numerical study of the stability of some distributed systems with dynamical type boundary control" (10/02/2016 - Lebanese University, Hadath, Lebanon)
Nadine NAJDI: "Study of the exponential and polynomial stabilization of some systems of coupled equations by bounded or unbounded indirect controls" (08/07/2016 at 10:00 AM - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - ISTV2 - Amphi 70E)
Maya FARHAT : "Steinitz classes, cyclic Hamming codes and realizable Galois classes of non-abelian extensions of degree $p^3$" (21/06/2016 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - ISTV2 - Amphi 100E)
Fatima-Zohra TAOUSSER: "Analysis of stability of systems with switches on a non-uniform" time domain (07/12/2015 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - IEMN)
Sadjiya ARICHE: "Regularity of solutions of elliptic or parabolic problems with data in measure form" (06/25/2015 at 10:00 AM - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - ISTV2 - Amphi 70E)
Maya BASSAM: "Study of the stability of some systems of coupled wave equations on bounded and unbounded domains" (18/12/2014 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy)
Zainab ABBAS: "Stabilization of some second order evolution equations by feedback laws" (02/10/14 at 2:00 PM - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - Amphi 70E)
Abdelilah JRAIFI: "Numerical analysis of diffusion-jump models with stochastic volatility: the case of option pricing" (03/02/2014 in Rabat, Morocco) - consult thesis online
Laura SAINI: "New tools for animation and design: camera animation system for stop motion, based on a haptic interface and curve design by algebraic-trigonometric curves with Pythagorean hodograph" (13/06/2013 at 9:30 am - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - ISTV2 - Amphi 100E) - consult the thesis online
Farah ABDALLAH: "Stabilization and approximation of some distributed systems by dissipative and indefinite sign damping." (27/05/2013 - Lebanese University - Beirut) - consult the thesis online
Rochdi BEN CHARRADA: "Foliated Dolbeault cohomology of some complex laminations." (29/05/2013 at 10:00 am - Faculté des Sciences de Sfax - Salle des Thèses) - consult the thesis online
Hadda HMILI: "Interval exchanges. Cohomological equations and invariant distributions on a Lie group."( June 4, 2012 at 2 p.m. - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - Amphi 175E Abel de Pujol 2) - consult thesis online
Maria Alessandra BOSCHIROLI : "Local Parametric Bézier Interpolants for triangular meshes: from polynomial ta rational schemes." (06/12/2011 at 9:30 am - UVHC - ISTV2 - Room 100E)
Michael BALAN: "Richardson varieties: multiplicities and desingularization" (11/24/2011 at 4:00 PM - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 100E)
Salima HASSANI : "Boundary behavior of some boundary problems with large and/or small parameters." (14/11/11 - Université Djillali Liabes - Sidi Bel-Abbes - Algeria)
Farah SBEITY: "Steinitz classes and realizable Galois classes of non-abelian extensions" (6/25/10 at 10:30 am - UVHC - LAMAV - Room 100E)
Miroslava ANTIC: "CR-type subvarieties of the sphere of dimension 6." (04/02/10 at 1:30 pm - UVHC - Amphi 70E)
Julie VALEIN: "Stability of some evolution problems" (11/20/08 at 2pm - UVHC - ISTV 2 - Amphi 70E)
Antoine DUTRIAUX: "Analysis and noncommutative dynamical models on q-Minkowski space" (13/06/08 - UVHC - Amphi 70E)
Jihène SLIMÈNE: "The ∂ғ for some complex foliations"(02/05/08 at 14:00 - University of Monastir)
Lucius RAMIFIDISOA: "Properties of centroaffin and equiaffin hypersurfaces" (28/03/08 at 10:30 am - UVHC - ISTV2 - Room 100 E)
Philippe AUQUIERT : "Interpolation of points by regular L1 splines" (20/12/07 at 10:00 am - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 70E)
Emmanuel CREUSE: "Simulation and active control of flows, a posteriori error estimation for finite element methods" (11/29/07 at 2pm - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 175E)
Sarah COCHEZ-DHONDT: "Finite element methods and a posteriori error estimates" (11/30/07 at 10am - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 70E)
Réda KORIKACHE: "Mixed finite element method: application to unsteady heat and Stokes equations" (11/15/07 at 10:30 AM - UVHC - ISTV2)
Clément BRUCHE: "Relative Galois structure of rings of integers of non-abelian extensions." (06/25/07 at 10:00 am - UVHC - ISTV2 - Amphi 70E)
Nadir SOUALEM: "Posterior error estimators for dynamic problems (5/30/07 at 10am - UVHC - ISTV - Amphi 100E)
Akbar DEHGHAN-NEJAD DERARANDASH: "Cohomological equations of Riemannian streams and Anosov diffeomorphisms" (07/12/06 at 2pm - UVHC)
Cédric ROUSSEAU : "Deformations of actions of groups and of some solvable networks " (06/26/06 at 10:30 am - ISTV2 - Amphi 70E)
Yasmina DAIKH: "Passage time of wave packets of low frequencies or limited in frequency bands by a potential barrier" (16/09/04 at 2:00 PM - ISTV- Amphi 70)
Isabelle TURPIN: "On the probabilistic interpretation of weak solutions of PDEs: Optimal Stochastic Control and Retrograde Stochastic Differential Equations" (September 15, 2004 at 10:30 am - ISTV2 - Amphi 100E)
Joseph François HAGBE: "Convergence Speed of the Banach Fixed Point Iteration for Elliptic Semilinear Problems in Domains with Conical Singularity" (06/17/04 at 2:00 PM - ISTV2 - Amphi 70E)
Emmanuel ANDREO: "Dissociation of algebraic extensions by non-Galoisian or Galsimple extensions" (6/15/04 at 2pm - ISTV2 -Amphi 100E)
Imad CHOUBANNE: "Refined finite element methods for Boussinesq equations in non-regular domains in the presence of thermocapillarity at the liquid surface" (6/25/03 at 10:00 am - ISTV2 amphi 100E)
Laurent SCHIAVON: "Curvature monotonicity conditions for interpolation curves and splines" (11/22/2002 at 3:30 PM - ISTV2 amphi 100E)
Virginie REGNIER: "Energy flow distribution for dispersive and non-dispersive waves on elementary or locally elementary branched spaces of dimension one and two" (11/14/2002 at 2:30 PM - ISTV2 amphi 70E)
Régis LECLERCQ : "Trace in braided categories and noncommutative equivariant index" (6/26/2002 at 2:00 PM - ISTV amphitheatre 175)
Marjory GODIN : "Galois structure of rings of integers" (25/06/2002 at 2:30 PM - amphi 175E ISTV2)

Doing a thesis

Thesis topics