Doctoral Theses - Humanities
Roberto Paolo VICO: "The Olympic Games between myth and reality: Ethnographic study of the imaginary of the population of Rio de Janeiro on the use of the territory during the 2016 Olympic Games" (18/12/2020 - UPHF - Valenciennes)
François LACIRE: "Not especially poetic". De-specialization of poetry at the turn of the 21st century, from the works of Nathalie Quintane and Christophe Tarkos.(28/01/2020 - UPHF)
Florence TRAISNEL: " L'INTER-DIT : A GAME OF ADDRESSES - When write for youth at L'école des loisirs and for adults at Éditions de l'Olivier - Christophe Honoré and Manuela Draeger and Olivier Adam, Geneviève Brisac, Agnès Desarthe, Marie Desplechin, Christian Lehmann, Maya Nahum, Christian Oster, Martin Page, Claude Ponti, Florence Seyvos, Valérie Zenatti..." ( 16/12/2016 at 2:30 pm - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - FLLASH Boardroom)
Audrey COUDEVYLLE-VUE: "Fréhel and Yvonne George: Contrasting Muses of the "realistic" song of the Interwar period"(08/09/2016 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus)
Constance LACROIX: "Jane Barker and the Galesia Trilogy: commentary, annotation, and translation of a Jacobite trilogy." (03/15/2013 at 2:00 pm - UVHC - Campus MOnt Houy - FLLASH - Bâtiment Matisse - Salle du Conseil) - consult the thesis online
Johanna COPANS: "the landscape of Renaud's songs: an identity dynamic"(25/10/10 at 2:30 pm - UVHC - FLLASH - Amphi 150)
Maggy BULTE-DI FIORE: "Editing and study of the beginning of the long version of Gerbert de Metz according to the manuscripts W (Bancroft Library, Berkeley 140), D (Paris, Bibl. Nationale de France, fr. 1461) and J (Montpellier, Bibl. de l'Ecole de Médecine, 243) of the Geste des Loherains." (12/11/09 at 2:30 pm - UVHC - FLLASH - Amphi 150)
Cécile DAQUIN : "The lN version (Dijon 528 and Arsenal 3143) of the conclusion of Garin the Loherain: critical edition, linguistic and literary commentary, study of the manuscript tradition." (01/07/09 at 2:00 pm - UVHC - FLLASH - Amphi 150)
Michel WROBEL: "The paradox of the mermaid in Barbara" (12/12/08 at 2:00 PM - UVHC - FLLASH - Amphi 100)
Aleksandra KOMANDERA: "The unusual tale in 20th century literature" (20/06/08 - Sosnowiec - Poland)
Delphine BAUMGARTNER épouse VAN DE SYPE: "A Poetics of God (by Victor Hugo): images and writing" (06/06/07 at 2:00 pm - UVHC - Extension FLLASH - Room 113)
Marie Christine MARCHASSON: "From obsessions to incantation, Aragon the creator" (06/27/03 at 2pm - Amphi 150 - FLLASH)
Masashi SHIMIZU: "Baudelaire's Nordic inspiration" (13/06/2003 at 2pm - FLLASH - Boardroom)

Doing a thesis

Thesis topics