Doctoral Theses - Energy
Mohammed MOBTIL: "Spatio-temporal identification of parietal convective exchanges by inverse techniques: application to heat exchangers" (01/06/2011 at Ecole des Mines de Douai)
Vincent KUBICKI: "Evolution of longitudinal vortices in a perturbed turbulent channel flow: thermomechanical analysis by PIV, RANS and DNS simulations" (11/03/2011 - École des Mines de Douai)
Julien PAYEN: "Study and development of nonwoven fibrous structures dedicated to the filtration of fine particles in air." (10/12/09 at 2pm - ENSAIT, Roubaix - Amphi A)
Jean THEVENET: "Development of a thermal metrology of sliding contacts in braking" (10/07/09 at 10am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E1)
Monica SIROUX: "Contribution to the thermal study of sliding contacts. Application to braking" (05/12/08 at 10am - UVHC - ENSIAME - Amphi E3)
François RAULT: "Implementation and mechanical, thermal and fire resistance properties of nanoparticle filled polypropylene based filaments" (12/06/08 at 10am - UVHC - ISTV - Amphi 100E)
Rahim EBRAHIMI: "Experimental study of self-ignition in an HCCI engine" (10/11/06 at 10:30 am - UVHC - DOAE - IEMN - Amphi B215)
Marc MERCIER: "Contribution to the study of the behavior of a spark ignition engine fueled by Groningen natural gas" (10/23/06 at 10:30 am - UVHC - DOAE - IEMN - Amphi B215)
Mathieu BARTOLETTI : "Improvement of the cold consumption of a vehicle by optimization of energy flows" (30/01/2006 at 10:45 am - ENSIAME - Amphi E2)
Jean-Michel JASON : "Condensation of gaseous effluents in heat exchangers in the presence of incondensable" (9/12/2003 at 10:30 am - ENSIAME)
Ousmane SOW: "Thermodynamic analysis of a desalination system by distillation with solar contribution. Research of the optimal operating conditions in variable regime." (10/10/2003 at 10am - ENSIAME - AMPHI E3)
Ali HOCINE: "Improvement of the temperature rise of an automotive thermal engine by exhaust energy recovery and modification of injection laws" (03/07/03 at 10am - Amphi E2 - ENSIAME - Bât. Claudin LEJEUNE)
Eric DELACOURT : "Experimental characterization of Diesel injection jets at very high pressures (2500 bar)" (22/01/2003 - 11am - room 175E ISTV)
Jimmy SAPEDE: "Experimental and numerical study of a rectangular coaxial jet" (12/19/2002 - 2pm - ISTV amphi 175E)
Rachid BOUTARFA :"Experimental study of convective exchanges on a rotating disk placed in front of a fixed disk" (19/12/2001 at 10am - Ensimev - Amphi 8)

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