Doctoral theses - Biomechanics
Doctoral dissertations
Caroline MASSOT: "Biomechanical determination of indicators of early locomotion degradation in patients with Multiple Sclerosis" (09/11/2021 at 2:00 pm - Faculty of Medicine and Maieutics of Lille - 56 rue du Port 59800 Lille)
Dimitri ELIE: "Study of the modulation of corticomuscular and intermuscular interactions induced by maximal strength training in healthy subjects" (19/01/2021 - UPHF - Valenciennes)
Frédéric VISEUX: "Skin afferents, toes and postural control. Biomechanical objectivation and clinical perspectives" (13/11/2020 - UPHF)
Delphine CAFFIER: "Street crossing: anticipation in the elderly pedestrian and disruption of initiation" (11/26/2018 at 2:00 PM - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - IEMN Amphitheater)
Ciska MOLENAAR: "Biomechanical characterization of lateral transfer in the person living with a spinal cord injury: influence of environmental factors" (07/09/2018 - UPHF Valenciennes)
Anthony BRACQ : "Contribution to the prediction of thoracic injury risk during localized impacts through the characterization and modeling of non-penetrating ballistic impacts" (05/07/2018 - Valenciennes)
Anis TOUMI: "Lower limb amputees: postural modalities and characterization of force production at the physiological ankle" (26/06/2018 - University of Valenciennes - FSMS)
Manaf KARKAR: "Morpho-mechanical customization of the human cranial vault at different solicitation rates" (27/11/2017 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT building amphitheater)
Alexis HERBAUT : "Influence of the shoe on the biomechanics of the young tennis player: short and medium term adaptations" (18/05/2016 - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN DOAE building Amphitheatre)
Raphaël PIONNIER: "Biomechanical characterization of the different mechanisms involved in Chronic Ankle Instability" (30/11/2015 at 1:30 pm - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN-DOAE Amphitheater)
Soufien CHIKH: "Biomechanical and electromyographic analysis of anticipatory elements of manual wheelchair movement initiation" (19/06/2015 at 2:00 PM - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN Amphitheater)
Imen BOURIGUA : "Biomechanical evaluation of trunk movements and gait initiation in chronic low back pain patients: Evidence of motor deconditioning before and after a functional spine restoration program" (16/05/2014 at 2pm - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - CISIT Amphitheatre)
Jessica SCHIRO : "Multidimensional biomechanical analysis of the steering wheel turning gesture in drivers without motor impairments" (03/20/2013 at 2pm - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - FSMS - Collet Amphitheatre) - see online
Aurore HUCHEZ: "Study of the management and control of inertia during the realization of a complex acrobatic task in gymnastics" (22/01/2013 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - LAMIH) - consult online
Yoshimasa SAGAWA JUNIOR: "Toward a multidimensional approach to motor assessment of the lower limb amputee" (05/29/2012 at 1:30 PM - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus - IEMN-DOAE Amphi) - consult online
Coralie SANCHEZ: "Effects of lumbar belts and their characteristics on physiological and biomechanical parameters of the trunk " (25/01/2012 at 1:30 pm - UVHC - Mont Houy - FSMS - Amphi Collet)
Émilie HUTIN : "Characterization of lower limb motor coordination during walking in hemiparetic patients." (10/02/2011 at 10:30 am - UVHC - FSMS - Amphi Collet)
Nicolas DECOUFOUR : "Training expert rowers at high cadences on ergometers: A good or a bad thing?" (18/01/10 at 1:45 pm - UVHC - FSMS - Amphi Collet)
Audrey AUPERRIN: "Tissue characterization for the determination of cranial bone behavior: mechanical tests and medical imaging." (12/17/09 at 9:30 am - UVHC - Amphi IEMN-DOAE)
Julien HALGRIN : "Influence of architectural parameters on the mechanical behavior of trabecular bone."(11/30/09 at 11:00 am - UVHC - Amphi DOAE)
Sébastien LETENEUR: " Effects of natural trunk tilt on orthostatic balance control, gait initiation and walking " (01/04/09 at 1:30 PM - UVHC - FSMS - Amphi Coquet)
Gérard BOURSE: "Contribution to the non-destructive evaluation of materials: Stress evaluation by ultrasonic method - Elastic characterization of materials by V(z)method " (12/19/08 at 10:00 am - UVHC - Amphi IEMN-DOAE)
Maud BASSEMENT : "Study of the control and transfer of motor skills of expert pole vaulters for impulse realization in athletic activities." (12/16/08 at 2pm - UVHC - FSMS - Amphi Collet)
Abdelkrim HADIM: "Kinematic analysis of the entry movement to the motor vehicle in view of the study of discomfort" (12/17/04 at 9am - FSMS - Amphi COLLET)

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