Doctoral Theses - Arts and Literature
Anne LEMPICKI: "Poetics and theatricality of falling bodies in artistic creations (Alain Platel, Yoann Bourgeois, Philippe Ramette, Kerry Skarbakka)" (14/12/2021 - Valenciennes)
Mathieu LOTTIAUX: "Hermeneutics of disjunctive worlds: the sacred and its consequences in fantasy and science fiction (1950-1989)" (09/12/2021 - UPHF - Matisse Building - Amphi 150)
Antonin JOUSSE: "Connected Sensorialities: Reassessing the Notion of Interactivity in the Contemporary Field of Digital Arts" (03/12/2021 at 2pm - University of Paris 1 - Panthéon Sorbonne - Centre Saint Charles)
Isabelle CHAUVEAU: "Contemporary women's novels: analysis of mythical themes and their translations" (26/11/2021 - University of Mons)
Pauline NOBECOURT: "Literary and cinematographic influences from and through Marc Desgrandchamps" (12/12/2020 - INHA Paris)
Marc VERVEL: "Mystery and narrative enjoyment: dramatization issues in emerging crime fiction" (22/10/2020 - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus - Amphi 150 and CALHISTE room)
Catherine THOMAS: "Jacques Brel and Serge Gainsbourg - An intermedial study of the work of two singer-songwriters turned directors" (27/05/2020 - Videoconference)
Colette LUCIDARME: "Jazz and song from the thirties to the end of the twentieth century: Trenet, Brassens, Nougaro, questions of sound and meaning" (24/01/2020 at 2:00 pm - UPHF - Mont Houy Campus)
Jean-Baptiste RICHARD: "Spectacle, spectatorial, spectator: the act of seeing and the experience of the creative gaze" (14/12/2019 - UPHF - Matisse Building - Amphi 150)
Amandine MERCIER: "Transfiguration, disruption of the ob-scene and engendering of bodies - Contemporary stages as a place of fabrication of origins" (10/12/2019 - UPHF)
Sarra KHALED: "Being a classic of French song: the example of Charles Aznavour" (13/09/2019 - Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France - Bâtiment Matisse/FLLASH - Amphi 150)
Xavier MAUMEJEAN: "The Invention of Henry Darger" (19/06/19 - Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France - Matisse/FLLASH Building - Amphi 150)
Gauthier GRÜBER: "Explicit the death of Fromondin - Edition and linguistic, literary and historical study of the passage corresponding to verses 13935 to 14795 of ms. A of Gerbert de Mez according to the twelve complete mss ABCDEJMNPRSV and the three amputated from part of the end ILQ" (20/06/2018 - Université Polytechnique des Hauts de France)
Justine DURAND épouse DOCKX : "Anseÿs de Gascogne - Critical edition and study of the second part of the prose setting copied by David Aubert (from f°320 r°), according to manuscript 9 (Brussels, KBR)"(16/12/2017 - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - Bâtiment Matisse/FLLASH)
Chady HAGE-ALI: "The American evangelical mission and the Arab-Muslim world: a geopolitical history of the Islamic-Christian encounter from the 19th century to the present day" (22/09/2017 - UVHC)
Nicolas SMAGHUE: "Les toiles d'Armentières. Linen companies and entrepreneurs (XIXth-XXIst centuries)" (25/09/2015 at 2:30 pm - UVHC - Campus Mont houy - FLLASH - Matisse building - Amphi 200)
Khady Fall FAYE-DIAGNE : "Le marronnage, essai d'une esthétique négro-africaine contemporaine : des précurseurs francophones à Alain Mabanckou et Fatou Diome" (12/09/2014 at 2:30 p.m. - UVHC - Campus Mont Houy - FLLASH - Amphi 150)
Noha NEMER: "Attendre Aujourd'hui with Yves Simon or how to build the horizon of expectation of a bipolar work."(12/12/2011 at 2pm - UVHC - Mont Houy Campus)
Philippe BARYGA: "THE FAMILY-ATELIER Artists and their children, an essay on inter-generational creation" (10/24/2011 at 2pm - UVHC - Ronzier)
Delphine HOUBRON : "The embellishment of the commonplace in Francis Cabrel and Yves Duteil" (07/12/10 at 2:30 pm - UVHC - Amphi 500)
Jean-Marie ARDOUIN : "AIOL, chanson de geste - Edition of the unique manuscript BNF fr.25516" (23/10/10 at 2:00 pm - UVHC - FLLASH - Salle Nicole CLEUET)
Sandra JACQUEMOUD-COLLET: "The Search for a "Phonography". The treatment of the voice in Balzac's La Comédie humaine." (04/12/09 at 10am - UVHC - FLLASH - Room 113)
Anne BUCHARD-SALEMBIER: " "To be + past participle" as a marker of aspect and argumentative structure" (27/11/09 at 2pm - UVHC - FLLASH - Amphi 100)
Valérie VALEMBOIS: "Raymond QUENEAU, painter and art critic. To the test of a deterritorialization of the real" (26/03/07 - Pôle Ronzier - Arts and Communication Building)
Jean-Etienne VIAU: "Figuration of marginality in French song of the 1970s" (10/11/06 at 2pm - UVHC - Amphi 150)
Jerôme DERVEAUX : "General public and contemporary art from 1945 to the present day: institutional mobilizations " (27/02/06 at 2:30 pm - UVHC - Matisse Building - Room Nicole Cleuet)
Nicolas DEVIGNE : "Georges Bataille, an iconographic reading of Documents - Use value of images within an avant-garde review" (15 December 2003 at 2:00 PM - UVHC - Salle Nicole

Doing a thesis

Thesis topics