Prix de l'entrepreneuriat 2023 from the Fondation Partenariale Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
The Scaratech project and its 9 student project leaders, win the prize at the "48h Chrono"
As part of the "48h Chrono" event organized by the Valenciennes Hubhouse, the Foundation awarded the 2023 Entrepreneurship Prize to 9 UPHF students.
With their business project Scaratech and their Scaracoque, the student entrepreneurs, were able to convince the jury thanks to their mastery of project management: from the product idea to the creation of the company for its marketing.

La Scaracoque
Nowadays, what could be more commonplace than an unbreakable phone case?
Yes, but...a bamboo phone shell inspired by the natural reflex of the beetle, which thanks to its shell contracture in the event of impact, hardens, we had to think of it.
This year, the theme chosen by the Hubhouse was "Biomimicry", and with this project, the 9 young entrepreneurs lived up to the subject.
The Foundation committed to students
One of the missions of the Fondation Partenariale Polytechnique Hauts-de-France is to support entrepreneurship among students.
The teams taking part in the latest edition of the 48h Chrono, are proof that our mission of support and accompaniment, has its full meaning.
Congratulations to the winners and to all the students.

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