Eric MARKIEWICZ is a University Professor of Mechanical Engineering.
He defended at UVHC his PhD in 1994, then a Habilitation to direct research in 2000 on the theme of crash and impact behavior of materials and structures.
He carries out his research activities within the LAMIH UMR CNRS 8201, which he directed from 2006 to 2009 before taking over the direction of the Pôle Transports et Mobilité Durables at UVHC. He has been strongly involved in the development of UVHC's "Sustainable Transport and Mobility" identity since 2004, with the successive regional coordination of the multidisciplinary projects TAT, CISIT and ELSAT 2020 by CISIT of the CPER-PO (Contrat de Plan Etat-Région/Programmes Opérationnels). These different projects, led by UVHC, have helped to structure regional research on this flagship theme, to establish UVHC's leadership and to lead to the creation of the CNRS 3733 Research Federation "Land Transport and Mobility", involving LAMIH, IEMN, CRIStAL and LML, which he has been leading since January 2016.
He is a member of several editorial boards, including the International Journal of Impact Engineering, and is an elected member of the Governing board of DYMAT (European association for the promotion of research into the dynamic behavior of materials and its applications).
He has authored and co-authored more than 80 papers in various impact journals and more than 150 papers in specialized conferences.