Arnaud Huftier is a University Professor of French Literature.
Having received a PhD in comparative literature in 2001, he is accredited to direct research (2015, Paris Sorbonne).
He is a specialist in literary dialogue in bilingual countries (Belgium, Canada...) and "literatures of the imaginary". In this capacity, he has written seven books (on the unthinkable; S.-A. Steeman; Dutch fantasy; Michel Tremblay; and three books on Jean Ray), edited 17 books (on Rosny aîné; translation strategies; Pierre Boulle; cold and hot, or the ice of Haiti; the Belgian detective novel; Washington Irving; Margaret Atwood; Mobilities in narratives and the visual arts...), organized six international colloquia, and published nearly 80 articles.
Ill is editor of the international journal Otranto (Kimé), and a member of the editorial boards of four international journals. His most recent essay on Jean Ray (Jean Ray. L'Alchimie du mystère, Belles Lettres/Encrage, 2010) was honored with the Grand Prix de l'imaginaire in 2011. A Fulbright Scholar in 2010, he was also awarded a Canadian Government Research Fellowship in 2009, as well as the Prix du rayonnement international des lettres elges in 2011.