Off-site training
UPHF and Morocco's private higher education institutions have concluded :
- an international cooperation framework agreement, the purpose of which is to establish and deepen their relations with a view to contributing to the improvement of the scientific and training level of the 2 institutions
- a partnership agreement for the relocation of UPHF training courses to Morocco.
HESTIM (High Studies of Sciences and Technologies of Engineering and Management of Casablanca)
The agreement with HESTIM concerns the relocation of the following UPHF training courses : LP Métiers du Bâtiment et des travaux publics- parcours économiste de la construction (INSA) ; Master 1 and 2 Génie Civil parcours Architectural urbain (INSA) ; Master 1 and 2 QHS (INSA)

EDGE (Private Business School)
The agreement with EDGE concerns the relocation of the following UPHF training courses: LP e-commerce and digital marketing (IUT); LP Manager in Specialized Distribution- home equipment orientation MEM
(IUT); Master e-Logistic (INSA Hauts-de-France)
For more information: https://www.edge.ma

ENSIT (School of New Sciences and Technologies of Tangier)
The agreement with ENSIT concerns the relocation of the following UPHF training : LP PMOE (IUT) ; LP Global Logistics (IUT) ; LP Web and Mobile Application Development (INSA) ; LP Building and Construction- Site Manager (INSA) ; Master Architectural and Urban Civil Engineering (INSA) ; Master Collaborative Digital Engineering for Construction (INSA) ; Master e-Logistics (INSA) ; Master Cyber Defense and Information Security (INSA) ; Master QHSE (INSA) ; LP Accounting and Payroll (ISH) ; Master Multi-sector Management Control (INSA)
Find out more: https://www.ensi.ma