Donate to the Foundation > Companies
Companies, corporations: become Patrons by supporting the Foundation
Companies and corporations can benefit from a tax reduction:
- up to 60% of the amount of the donation, within the limit of 0.5% of sales excluding taxes or a ceiling of €10,000
(articles 200 and 238 bis of the French General Tax Code)
Receive the RIB from the Foundation to make a bank transfer (please complete the form below)
Payment by cheque
Fondation Partenariale Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Fondation Partenariale Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
Le Mont Houy 59313 Valenciennes Cedex 9
You are a company: Thank you for completing this form by clicking here.
A tax receipt will be sent to you upon receipt of your donation.