Develop a research partnership
UPHF has developed a network of multidisciplinary research partners.
A network of multidisciplinary partners
The Hauts-de-France Polytechnic University has developed a network of very active partnerships with:
- foreign universities from countries in Europe (Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria ...), America (Canada, USA, Ecuador,...), North Africa (Maghreb, Lebanon...), Australia and China. Delf (Netherlands), Salamanca (Spain), Austin (Texas-USA), Montreal (Canada), Shanghai (China), Sfax (Tunisia),...
- research organizations : CNRS, INRETS, ONERA, CETIM,...
- companies : Alstom, Dassault, Bombardier, SNCF, RATP, Siemens, EADS, PSA, Renault, Audi, Volkswagen, Fiat, France Télévision, M6, Eurasanté, Santexcel, regional hospital centers,...
Projects on the theme of transportation
The UPHF supports the development of thematic projects on transport, particularly within the framework of the European network EURNEX, the CISIT (Interdisciplinary Campus on Transport Safety and Intermodality) and the world-class competitiveness cluster I-Trans and the Trade Industries cluster.
The research and development unit drafts, analyzes, negotiates any contract related to research (confidentiality agreement, framework research agreement, research contract, study contract, CIFRE agreement....). It develops the project with the researcher and acts as a link with the company in contractual matters.