3rd session - REGVIL seminar "The city: visual and audio heritage".
REGVIL Incentive Research Action - Regenerating the city: urban experiments and innovations for the co-construction of a collaborative, creative and sustainable city
Le 16/11/2023
09:30 - 12:00
Campus Mont Houy - Amphi E7 - Bâtiment Claudin Lejeune 2
Session 3: The city: visual and audio heritage
Meï Menassel, Lecturer at UPHF, Doctor of Art de Bâtir et Urbanisme and SIC.
Based on the book "Vidéomapping: le patrimoine en lumière", the aim will be to cross the viewpoints of local authorities, producers, artists and researchers on the practice of videomapping in public space. The book highlights the expectations, tensions and prospects offered by videomapping to enhance architectural heritage, generate new tourist experiences and build collective identities.
Contract lecturer at UPHF, in Aménagement de l'espace et urbanisme
From the fight against noise to the patrimonialization of the sound environment.
The institutionalization of the fight against noise led to the emergence of a sensitive consideration of sound in the environment: sound ecology. From an artistic avant-garde, the movement gradually structured itself through its exchanges with research, design and decision-making circles. Relying on listening to qualify the experience of the environment, sound ecology deploys a set of intervention methods aimed at describing, preserving and promoting the auditory qualities of our living environment.