The Velopattes... a futuristic biomimicry project
With Luc Schuiten
On the theme of biomimicry brought by IMTD in October, students in the 3e year of B.U.T. GMP were min touch with Luc Schuiten, Belgian architect-inventor, who has imagined a bicycle ... with legs !
Architect, draughtsman, painter, inventor, Luc Schuiten is interested in sustainable development issues in the design of his projects. Mobility is also one of his passions, and he has designed many original objects. Among them, the Vélopattes, which has remained in the sketch stage and could take shape thanks to students from the B.U.T.. GMP who are undertaking the design of a prototype, supervised by El Hadj Dogheche. To create a completely carbon-free prototype, this project relies on the EFEU program, for emission-free universities.
The prototypes will be showcased in the Grande expo Biom'Mobilité that IMTD will be presenting from September to December 2024!
According to Luc Schuiten, what works well is what's simple
His goal ? a lightweight piece of equipment that must allow any movement, on any terrain, taking into account the body in the project. " For example, a bike only works because the rider manages to find his balance when starting, we must avoid focusing everything on mechanics ".
When asked for his opinion on the appropriation of his project by the students, Luc Schuiten found the exchanges fascinating
The students went down paths he hadn't imagined, and thought about very different models. This futuristic decarbonized mobility project, conducted as part of the learning and assessment situations (SAé), started in September 2023 and runs until spring 2024.
This morning of exchanges concluded with an invitation to the right to make mistakes...
Have confidence in yourself, and try to go as far as possible with an idea we've shared together. If you fail, you may learn a lot more than if you succeed.
Further information
Biomimicry will be featured at the IMTD in September 2024 with other events, exhibition, workshops, conference,...
Luc Schuiten has designed other vehicles of the future: an ornithoplane with flapping wings, inspired by the bird, and featuring solar collectors to power the engine, a flying ray, a helium-inflated airship that flaps its wings like this animal does in water, ...
Département Génie mécanique et productique
Campus du Mont Houy
59313 Valenciennes cedex 9